Unofficial Punisher short film

How cool of Tom Jane to make a fan film? I mean, that's passion. You have to love the guy for this. I wish he'd get another chance because he's awesome as Frank.
I enjoyed those 10 minutes more than all 3 Punisher movies put together.

Jane and Marvel should pitch this to HBO, Showtime or something. Always thought the character would be better off being done as a TV series instead of movies.
I think a Jane Punisher series would fit in well along side of Cinemax's other series Strike Back.
That. was. awesome. I love how he ****ed up the group with a bottle of Jack.
I enjoyed those 10 minutes more than all 3 Punisher movies put together.

Jane and Marvel should pitch this to HBO, Showtime or something. Always thought the character would be better off being done as a TV series instead of movies.

I have to agree with this. They all lacked in different areas and this short got it all right.
Weren't there rumors before about Marvel wanting to do a Punisher TV series? Just do it and get Thomas Jane back.
I love Jane's Punisher film and I love this short. But Castle is apparently reluctant to punish people when his skull-shirt is in the laundry :huh: He took an awful long time to take action. He's definitely at his low point here, living in the back of a van.
He said he hadn't drunk in six months, so my guess is it takes place six months after the movie (even though that movie was eight years ago :D). So he might be at a place in his life where he avenged himself on the people who murdered his family but now doesn't know what to do with himself and is just getting by. The idea might be to ask where does he go from there? Does he just keep drifting through life, or does he do something about all the bad things that happen in the world? If this were placed in a larger context, this short film might be the turning point where he's no longer about avenging his family and is instead about punishing evildoers wherever they might be. His change from pursuing a course of action to suit his personal needs to instead pursuing a course of action for the betterment of others.
The use of The Dark Knight score was silly, you can't hear that without thinking about that movie. They should have used music from the Jane movie. Meh, I liked Jane's Punisher but I think I prefer War Zone's less than subtle approach.
He said he hadn't drunk in six months, so my guess is it takes place six months after the movie (even though that movie was eight years ago :D).

Right, I forgot about that. Thanks!

So he might be at a place in his life where he avenged himself on the people who murdered his family but now doesn't know what to do with himself and is just getting by. The idea might be to ask where does he go from there? Does he just keep drifting through life, or does he do something about all the bad things that happen in the world? If this were placed in a larger context, this short film might be the turning point where he's no longer about avenging his family and is instead about punishing evildoers wherever they might be. His change from pursuing a course of action to suit his personal needs to instead pursuing a course of action for the betterment of others.

He did sound very determined at the end of the movie:
"I have work to do. Read your newspaper everyday and you'll understand." "Which section?"

"Those who do evil to others - the killers, the rapists, psychos, sadists - you will come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me..The Punisher."

But I see what you're saying. It easy to say such things before you commit yourself to such a lifestyle. It's what Perlman's character says about it never ending. He takes these guys out, next day others will have taken their place. It wears you down.
Also, since his new shirt has already got a bullethole in it, maybe he's still recovering from some previous action.
That was just so much win. Also I didn't know a bottle of Jack was that durable.
That was badass I really hope this does something for the character.

Also bottles are actually pretty strong they dont break like they do in the movies my brother got hit in the back of the head by one at a party.
I wonder if Jack helped finance this short. If not they should finance another.
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Note that, if this is the same Punisher from the 2004 movie, he's ultimately a planner. Kicking the ass of a bunch of random street thugs impromptu is something his brain was probably saying "Don't do it, its too much risk for too little benefit. Maybe come back later with a plan."

He just couldn't walk away, ultimately, and did something *now*.
Holy hell that was incredible. Best Punisher film ever. Damn they need to do a show or something in this manner. Jane kicks so much ass.
Maybe this will lead to a web series, much like MK: Legacy and the newly announced Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist.
Maybe this will lead to a web series, much like MK: Legacy and the newly announced Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist.

That'd be cool.

I really wish HBO or something would do a show like this. Man that'd be great.
Maybe this will lead to a web series, much like MK: Legacy and the newly announced Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist.

That's what I was thinking. A series of 10 minute shorts and a Blu-Ray/DVD release later on might be the best thing for the character. Then once it gets a lot more attention move it up to something bigger.
That's what I was thinking. A series of 10 minute shorts and a Blu-Ray/DVD release later on might be the best thing for the character. Then once it gets a lot more attention move it up to something bigger.

Yea they did something similar with a show called The Confession, starring Keifer Sutherland. I thought it was awesome, both each little webisode and then the whole thing as a film.
Also, this was at the YouTube link, but id figure id post it here as well:

"I wanted to make a fan film for a character I've always loved and believed in - a love letter to Frank Castle & his fans. It was an incredible experience with everyone on the project throwing in their time just for the fun of it. It's been a blast to be a part of from start to finish -- we hope the friends of Frank enjoy watching it as much as we did making it." -- Thomas Jane
That was so awesome. It's captures the theme of the Punisher so well. The war goes on.

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