CM 3
could any of you tell me what is the first appearence of the symbiote and the villain venom in the spider-man comic books?
Elijya said:slightly tricky question
The black Spider-Man costume first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #252, but it also first appeared in Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars #8. Secret Wars #8 was where he first got the costume, but Amazing 252 shipped a week before that issue, so it takes place after it. But technicly it came first. Basicly either could be considered the true first
now as for Venom, he had two small cameo appearences in Amazing Spider-Man #298 and #299, but his first full appearence was in #300
XwolverineX said:D'you have all theese comics? Or are ya like, Super-memory man?
DBM said:I would imagine he just looked them up on the internet. Which is easy for everyone to do, but they're too lazy to do it themselves. All you have to do is type "Venom first appearance" into google and the first link will give the answer.
Red X said:First appearance of the symbiote.
Venoms first appearance.
bothXwolverineX said:D'you have all theese comics? Or are ya like, Super-memory man?
nope, that was from off the top of my head. Learned the ASM252 shipping a week before SW8 tidbit years back from a converstaion at my LCS, and years of looking through the price guide where it's always indicated that 298 and 299 have a cameo and 300 is the first full appearence taught me the second one.DBM said:I would imagine he just looked them up on the internet.