It's just now, Norman doesn't know Peter is Spider-Man thanks to the mentioned magical mindwipe created by Dr. Strange, Reed Richards and Tony Stark
I'm not entirely convinced that even happened, to be honest...
We just can't honestly and truthfully know what did and didn't happen. Why?
"Hey, Mephisto, I know you're basically the devil, Satan the deceiver, the betrayer, the liar, but listen..." And that sums it up.
The deal with Mephisto included that nobody would remember who Peter was. There's really nothing to suggest that Norman wouldn't be included in that. For all we know the whole Dr. Strange story is just a fabrication to make it seem believable without Pete remembering the devil was involved.
I still don't like BND because of the boxes of comics I own being pointlessly invalidated.
The most irritating thing about it for me was OMD kind of showed the readers "Hey, look, we can write a marriage properly if we try to" right before destroying it. Pfsh.
Also, and I'll get flamed for this one, I have noticed an interesting thing here. Since OMD...
We've had Peter get drunk.
He then engaged in a one night stand with his room mate.
He then suddenly hooked up with Black Cat as a friend with benefits, and now he's sleeping with his girlfriend.
We've seen him step a little closer to the edge when he was saving Harry's baby. He's been enraged when he decided "nobody dies when I'm around."
There's all these things that haven't really felt in character to me, some of which could be linked to traditionally "sinful behavior" (Wrath, Lust, etc)
All after making a deal with the devil. A deal, might I point out, that explicitly stated neither he nor MJ would find happiness from that point on. He's dating a new girl, he's sleeping with her...he'll never really love her because Mephisto intentionally made a point that a tiny part of his soul, and MJ's, will know something is missing.
Do I give Marvel credit for this all being part of a long stretching plot? Hell no.
Do I wish they would have manned up and kicked the writers' arses for doing a piss poor job depicting the marriage and fix it instead of letting it meander aimlessly until squashing it? Hell yes.
I just don't see
anything in BND that couldn't have been equally done prior to OMD with the marriage in tact if they weren't so dead set on writing the relationship badly.
Now I'll say that aside from the Peter cheating on his wife that isn't his wife but on a cosmic level should still be his wife side of the story, I'm enjoying the Spider-adventures, JJJ as mayor, the May story (though she should be dead since the Clone saga. BEST. WRITTEN. DEATH. EVER.), the supporting cast, and Pete's new job.
And I'll get off my soap box. I welcome anyone to ignore my ranting. It happens once in a while when I just get an itch to be irritated with something from four years ago.