Ororo is a mutant with the psionic ability of atmokinesis - the ability to manipulate the weather over the entire planet. When controlling weather elements, her eyes illuminate a white color and aura. She can manifest any degree of wind, temperature, lightning, storm, and all manner of precipitation, tornadoes and hurricanes. Storm actually has the ability to affect the weather on a cosmic scale, but does not because she is very environmentally conscious. Storm has been known to create cosmic turbulence when a Sentinel was about to affect the Earth with a gamma gun to draw a solar flare from the sun to the Earth. Storm is cassfied as an Omega-Level Mutant.
Storm is immune to all effects of weather: her body changes to compensate for the extremes she engineered; i.e. her body temperature would rise as she caused her surroundings to become cold. She has the ability to project, focus and aim force blasts of extreme electrical bolts from her hands or the sky using her elemental powers. Storm can alter her visual perceptions so as to see electrical energy patterns in an object and in the air as well as other energies that deal with the weather. She can also change the body temperature of anyone by manipulating that temperature and lowering or raising it. The temperature manipulation of the human body also gives her the stunning ability to drain the electrical energy from mutants brainwaves that will literally cause them to lose power. At times, she has been able to use her ability to manipulate wind in a manner that resembles telekinesis, lifting massive objects and hurling them against opponents.
By manipulating the winds Storm can fly at incredible heights and speeds. She has even been known to stop projectiles such as bullets by using her ability to manipulate the wind and could accelerate her breathing as well. Not only can she stop most physical attacks with her powers, but she can also generate electric fields, magnetic fields, high-density pressure fields, and even electromagnetic fields. Storm once even generated an electrolysis field underwater to surround herself and her teamates with a globe of oxygen in their proximity. Aside from the abilities granted by her mutation, Ororo is highly intelligent and an able strategist and field commander of the X-Men. She also has some minor telepathic defenses (creating intense electrical currents) and most physical defenses (strong pressure domes that can cut through a mountain and withstand a metal bat). Storm has empathy/infinity for the earth-and apparently the entire universe. She is aware of every living thing and could even "sense" if a tree is ill.
Storm also has the potienal to wield white magic from her bloodlines. This is a gift she has due to the fact that her ancestor's were priestesses. In an alternate timeline storm taught Magik lllyana Rasputin how to use her magic. With white magic, Storm was able to Astral Travel, Teleport, Heal herself and others, cast spells, create force fields and more.
Storm also has been able to control solar wind and ocean currents. Her days as a thief have given her mastery of skills normally used by professional thieves, such as stealth, breaking into heavily fortified areas and picking locks (she always keeps a set of lockpicks in whatever current costume she wears). She is also an excellent combatant in both armed and unarmed combat, having been instructed by Wolverine.