Weird, Interesting, And Depressing News Stories

Nov 8, 2007
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Anyone who has something to share that they find interesting,weird,or even depressing put in here from now on.I will now put all my finds in this thread.


Now to start this thread off...'/

Father 'kicked to death on his doorstep after confronting gang of youths'

A father of three was kicked and punched by a gang of youths before being left for dead, a court heard today.
Garry Newlove, 47, had gone out of his house to remonstrate with youths who had been making life a "misery" for his family and their neighbours.
Mr Newlove, a sales manager from Warrington, Cheshire, was surrounded by the gang who knocked him to the ground, punched him and kicked him so hard one of the youth's shoes became lodged between his body and the ground, Chester Crown Court was told.
Four youths, two aged 17, one aged 16 and a 15-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, deny murder at Chester Crown Court.
Adam Swellings, 19, of Crewe, Cheshire, denies murder, but has pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Michael Chambers QC, prosecuting, said: "For some time, Garry Newlove's street in Warrington had been plagued by gangs of youths indulging in antisocial behaviour fuelled by cheap alcohol, causing a disturbance and vandalising parked cars.
"On Friday night, August 10 of this year, Mr Newlove went out to remonstrate with a gang of youths, which included the five defendants.
"They closed around him, knocked him to the ground and punched and kicked him, causing fatal head injuries.
"The defendants carried on up the street leaving Mr Newlove lying in the road, unconscious, being tended by his young daughters and wife."
Mr Chambers added: "He had the courage to go out and face them, but they were in no mood to be challenged. He was no match for their combined assault. One of them kicked him so hard that his training shoe came off and was found lodged under Mr Newlove's body.
"The defendants are all young. That is also a tragedy. But on that night they acted together as an abusive and violent gang.
"The prosecution say that this case concerns a serious, unprovoked and unjustified assault, which resulted in fatal head injuries to Mr Newlove."
The victim remained unconscious and died of a brain haemorrhage two days later at Warrington General Hospital.

The jury of six men and six women will be taken to the scene of the murder, close to Mr Newlove's family home on Station Road North, Fearnhead.
They were told Mr Newlove moved into the house in July 2004 with his wife Helen, 44, and daughters Zoe, 18, Danielle, 15, and 12-year-old Amy.
Mr Chambers said: "They thought they were moving to a nice modern house in a pleasant street. However, the behaviour of gangs of youths at night often made their lives and the lives of the other residents in the street, a misery.

"Mr Newlove had been out to try and reason with youths on previous occasions. One neighbour had even gone to the trouble of installing a CCTV camera on his property to protect his driveway."
悪魔天;13241969 said:
Anyone who has something to share that they find interesting,weird,or even depressing put in her from now on.I will now put all my finds in this thread.

Hey now...
I know its a cold world out there, and that bad news is just a natural part of life and all, but could we skip on the depressing news, especially an article like that. Knowing that something like that has happened, its pitiful. I try to come here to escape all that
I'm all for the interesting discoveries, and the oddball oddity news - weekly world news status :D...

I dunno, I'll just steer clear of some the stuff, I dont mean to shut it all down or nothing.

Man in India Marries Dog As Atonement

NEW DELHI (AP) -- A man in southern India married a female dog in a traditional Hindu ceremony as an attempt to atone for stoning two other dogs to death -- an act he believes cursed him -- a newspaper reported Tuesday.

P. Selvakumar married the sari-draped former stray named Selvi, chosen by family members and then bathed and clothed for the ceremony Sunday at a Hindu temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, the Hindustan Times newspaper said.

Selvakumar, 33, told the paper he had been suffering since he stoned two dogs to death and hung their bodies from a tree 15 years ago.

''After that my legs and hands got paralyzed and I lost hearing in one ear,'' he said in the report.

The paper said an astrologer had told Selvakumar the wedding was the only way he could cure the maladies. It did not say whether his situation had improved.

Deeply superstitious people in rural India sometimes organize weddings to dogs and other animals, believing it can ward off certain curses.

The paper showed a picture of Selvakumar sitting next to the dog, which was wearing an orange sari and a flower garland.

The paper said the groom and his family then had a feast, while the dog got a bun.
I know its a cold world out there, and that bad news is just a natural part of life and all, but could we skip on the depressing news, especially an article like that. Knowing that something like that has happened, its pitiful. I try to come here to escape all that

Your words are pointless. I have tried saying that many times. People seem to get off on news like this around here. I guess it makes them feel better or something.
Just this thread alone is depressing me, these threads are making The Hype depressing as a whole. I for one am tired of them.

Beheadings? Molestations? Suicides? Come on.
悪魔天;13242497 said:
And to the last poster..Most of it is sad..but I try to find other stories that may be weird or interesting.

I have a name. I am glad you try to find weird and interesting stories, you're just like Lois Lane!
Didn't mean to offend you Showtime,just didn't bother to look up your name..why I put to the last poster.

More like Jimmy Olsen;)
悪魔天;13242563 said:
Didn't mean to offend you Showtime,just didn't bother to look up your name..why I put to the last poster.

More like Jimmy Olsen;)

Not offended.

Jimmy Olsen was a photographer...
Don't take things too seriously.

He does stories sometimes in the stories I have read.
悪魔天;13242590 said:
Don't take things too seriously.

He does stories sometimes in the stories I have read.

I don't take anything seriously.

I would rather be Lois.;_ylt=AgfNf9E1fh0b3BEQ32UohpIE1vAI

"Family" feud afoot for Fox cartoon

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Fox is producing fresh episodes of its animated comedy "Family Guy" without the participation of its striking creator Seth MacFarlane, who does many of the main voices, sources said.

The last episode completed before the Writers Guild of America strike began November 5 aired Sunday. Fox and sibling studio 20th Century Fox TV had the choice of going into reruns or continuing the show without MacFarlane, whose outspoken defiance of his employers has made him a cause celebre for striking writers.

After a large writers rally outside the Fox lot on Friday, where he was one of the speakers, MacFarlane said the studio could proceed without him, though he hoped it would not.

20th TV had no comment on the matter Tuesday but confirmed that it remains in production on new episodes. The first episode finished without MacFarlane's blessing has been delivered to Fox. Sources said it is one of three very close to completion, with others in various stages of production.

In addition to executive-producing the show, MacFarlane voices the characters of Peter, Brian and Stewis Griffin, the male members of the hapless Rhode Island family at the core of the domestic satire.

"A Man And His Toad" Arrested In Drug Bust

Missouri police made a peculiar drug bust this week when they caught a man with a toad he allegedly used to get high, KMBC-TV in Kansas City reported Tuesday.

David Theiss, 21, of Kansas City, was accused of having a Colorado River Toad for the purpose of using it as a hallucinogenic, KMBC-TV reported.

"People used to do it all the time, but it got faded out awhile, but came back as a fad. Not a smart one," animal expert Danny Snyder told KMBC-TV. "The toxins in it can kill a lot of stuff."

Both Theiss and the toad were taken into custody. While Theiss was released on bond, the toad remains detained at a police crime lab.
I was up there last October to visit my girlfriend(I lived in New York at the time).Looking to go up again in February.

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