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What Are Your Most Re-Read Comics?


Apr 3, 2009
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Most of us here have been reading comics for years, even decades, so I'm curious, what are some of your most reread comics/graphic novels over the years?

-Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight Saga

I am a huge Green Lantern fan (probably my favorite) and just really loved the origins of Kyle Rayner. Over time, I've come to enjoy almost all the Lanterns, but I just love the story Ron Marz told here, as well as the art. Kyle being an artist also was just really cool to me, seeing all his interesting & nerdy constructs. He really felt like the Peter Parker of the GLs.


As bleak, dense, & dark as this book is, it's just a well written story with beautiful art. Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons really did create the masterpiece with this. I became a fan through the Zack Snyder film, and yes, I still enjoy the movie even after reading the comic lol.

Superman: Birthright

One of my favorite Superman origin tales. Yes, it's his origin again, but I think this is the one I have revisited the most. And maybe American Alien.

Some others:

Batman: Court of Owls
Green Lantern: Secret Origin
Green Lantern: Rebirth(Honestly, most if Geoff John's GL comics I reread quite a bit.)
The Sandman Vol.1 (Neil Gaiman)

Just curious what everyone else picks up from their collection and rereads every now & then!
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My top three, starting with the most read,

Batman: The Killing Joke
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Kingdom Come

I have read Kingdom Come at least 4 times. I forgot about it. I love that story. Killing Joke I have read maybe twice, but it is a memorable one.

I have read Crisis once. I liked it as well. Just haven't made my way back to it yet.
I have read Kingdom Come at least 4 times. I forgot about it. I love that story. Killing Joke I have read maybe twice, but it is a memorable one.

I have read Crisis once. I liked it as well. Just haven't made my way back to it yet.
Kingdom Come is my favourite comic of all (I actually own the Absolute Edition of that one). Crisis is definitely one you have to set aside some time for! :funny: Oh, I also like Zack Snyder's Watchmen!
For me, it's probably the Ultimate Spider-Man comics from the early 2000s (since they were the first comics I ever read), along with The Long Halloween and Dark Victory (and maybe a few other Batman comics like Batman R.I.P. or The Black Glove.)
For me, it's probably the Ultimate Spider-Man comics from the early 2000s (since they were the first comics I ever read), along with The Long Halloween and Dark Victory (and maybe a few other Batman comics like Batman R.I.P. or The Black Glove.)

I read only a handful of Ultimate Spider-Man back in the day, but I enjoyed it.

I am REALLY enjoying the current Ultimate Spider-Man run going. That first issue especially fantastic!
Kingdom Come is my favourite comic of all (I actually own the Absolute Edition of that one). Crisis is definitely one you have to set aside some time for! :funny: Oh, I also like Zack Snyder's Watchmen!
Man, it's cool to see some people still like Snyder's Watchmen. I like to think it's aging great, the movie just came out too soon. A little ahead of its time.
I read only a handful of Ultimate Spider-Man back in the day, but I enjoyed it.

I am REALLY enjoying the current Ultimate Spider-Man run going. That first issue especially fantastic!
I read Ultimate Spider-Man through Mark Bagley's run, so I think issue #111 or so.

And I agree, I really love the new Ultimate Spider-Man run, too.
Kingdom Come is my favourite comic of all (I actually own the Absolute Edition of that one)
You have excellent taste my old friend! (Though I’ll ignore your Snyder Watchmen comment.). ;)

My most re-read would be:
Kingdom Come - I’ve probably read it 15+ times.
Kirby’s Fourth World (especially Forever People and Mister Miracle)
Superman: Up in the Sky (probably read it a dozen times. And I find myself re-reading specific “chapters” from that comic on a routine basis)
Strange Apparitions - I’ve read that one a bunch
Batman: Birth, Bride, and Son of the Demon are guilty pleasures
I love reading Richard Dragon:Kung Fu Master over and again. It just brightens my mood.
I’ve read Superman Birthright several times
I also enjoy Len Wein’s original Swamp Thing run and I absolutely have a blast re-reading Len Wein’s Action Comics where he introduced Christopher Chance: the Human Target
Finally, I read Tom King’s Mister Miracle and Omega Men at least once or twice a year

I have only read The Return of Barry Allen twice, but I know that it will be on repeat quite a bit in the years to come.
I haven’t re-read it yet, but I anticipate that Warworld Saga will be one that I’ll revisit a lot over the years. It was an instant classic.

And there are a number of single issue comics that are go-tos for me, and I’ve read several times and will probably continue to re-read over my lifetime, such as:

Superman: For the Man Who has Everything
Swamp Thing: Anatomy Lesson
Batman: Night of the Stalker
Batman: Where were you the Night the Caped Crusader Died?
You have excellent taste my old friend! (Though I’ll ignore your Snyder Watchmen comment.). ;)

My most re-read would be:
Kingdom Come - I’ve probably read it 15+ times.
Kirby’s Fourth World (especially Forever People and Mister Miracle)
Superman: Up in the Sky (probably read it a dozen times. And I find myself re-reading specific “chapters” from that comic on a routine basis)
Strange Apparitions - I’ve read that one a bunch
Batman: Birth, Bride, and Son of the Demon are guilty pleasures
I love reading Richard Dragon:Kung Fu Master over and again. It just brightens my mood.
I’ve read Superman Birthright several times
I also enjoy Len Wein’s original Swamp Thing run and I absolutely have a blast re-reading Len Wein’s Action Comics where he introduced Christopher Chance: the Human Target
Finally, I read Tom King’s Mister Miracle and Omega Men at least once or twice a year

I have only read The Return of Barry Allen twice, but I know that it will be on repeat quite a bit in the years to come.
I haven’t re-read it yet, but I anticipate that Warworld Saga will be one that I’ll revisit a lot over the years. It was an instant classic.

And there are a number of single issue comics that are go-tos for me, and I’ve read several times and will probably continue to re-read over my lifetime, such as:

Superman: For the Man Who has Everything
Swamp Thing: Anatomy Lesson
Batman: Night of the Stalker
Batman: Where were you the Night the Caped Crusader Died?

Superman: For The Man Who Has Everything is a great read. I actually read that for the first time just a year or two ago.

What's wrong with his Watchmen comment? :D
What's wrong with his Watchmen comment? :D
I’ll just say that Watchmen is a very deep comic with a lot of layers and takeaways. I tend to think that Snyder’s points of emphasis missed the mark on the ways that the comic spoke to me, personally.

But hey, check out the rest of my list!
I’ll just say that Watchmen is a very deep comic with a lot of layers and takeaways. I tend to think that Snyder’s points of emphasis missed the mark on the ways that the comic spoke to me, personally.

But hey, check out the rest of my list!

That's fair. Even as someone who absolutely loves the Watchmen film, it does make superhero-ing look cool, and kinda glorifies it, which kinda goes against what the Watchmen comic was presenting. But I also view it as a different medium and kinda get why they spiced it up. Even though this isn't the subject of the thread, I'm always down to talk Watchmen, whether it's the film or comic lol.
My biggest issue with Watchmen was the change to the ending... Dr Manhattan going ape and destroying numerous cities would not make other countries unite with the US, they'd blame us for losing control of our superweapon. We'd be a pariah-state, not best buds with the Russians.

but I digress
Watchmen is definitely on top of my list, probably followed by Planetary, and then Uncanny X-Force. Then a smattering of individual Claremont X-Men issues here and there.
My biggest issue with Watchmen was the change to the ending... Dr Manhattan going ape and destroying numerous cities would not make other countries unite with the US, they'd blame us for losing control of our superweapon. We'd be a pariah-state, not best buds with the Russians.

but I digress
Watchmen is definitely on top of my list, probably followed by Planetary, and then Uncanny X-Force. Then a smattering of individual Claremont X-Men issues here and there.

I heard they couldn't use the alien ending because it is a direct rip off of an episode of Outer Limits "Architect of Fear" and it's actually the reason Len Wein quit as an editor on the Watchmen comic. I think Snyder even commented on how no script ever had an Alien-Ending, possibly for that reason? Idk. I did a lot of digging on that subject a year or two back. Although, the show decade or more later did use it, but it may have been able to get away with it with the way it was presented.

-Always willing to stand corrected on any of this, just going off what I can remember reading.
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I heard they couldn't use the alien ending because it is a direct rip off of an episode of Outer Limits "Architect of Fear" and it's actually the reason Len Wein quit as an editor on the Watchmen comic. I think Snyder even commented on how no script ever had an Alien-Ending, possibly for that reason? Idk. I did a lot of digging on that subject a year or two back. Although, the show decade or more later did use it, but it may have been able to get away with it with the way it was presented.
That's very interesting, never knew that

I don't think the giant alien was needed necessarily, but using Dr. Manhattan in the role just makes no sense
it has to be a third party attacking humanity to have any chance of uniting the world

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