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There has been alot of dissagreement in Amazing Spider-man from everyone reading it. If you don't like what's going on, what would you do or change?
Spiderluke said:There has been alot of dissagreement in Amazing Spider-man from everyone reading it. If you don't like what's going on, what would you do or change?
SpideyInATree said:Doctor Octopus would be plotting an idea, not exactly sure at this point. But it's the usual BS, right? Wrong. Spidey gets involved and the two begin having their basic everyday battle that they always have. I'd throw in some continuity and have Ock mention his being drugged and being struck by lightning...and surviving...and somehow seeing the "light" so to speak.
The fight gets crazy and Ock becomes more aggressive, defeating Spider-Man. Ock will then unmask Spidey and reveal it to be Peter Parker. Ock will sort of have a distant memory of knowing that Peter is Spider-Man, not fully clear because he once died...remember Web of Death? I do.
Peter can't defend himself and he thinks that Ock is going to kill him. So, Pete lays everything on Ock. From his origin to now. Ock says, "Osborn killed Gwen Stacy? She was your love?" Ock will feel sympathy for Peter, knowing that Peter has suffered greatly being Spider-Man through all these years. Ock feels that Peter has suffered enough and doesn't deserve to be killed. Ock releases him and tells him that he feels a bond with Peter. That he feels that he once saved Peter's life...but things are blurry. Pete remembers when he was dying and Ock saved him. Ock tells Peter they will meet again in the future and Ock will not be so merciful.
Doc Ock said:Good god no![]()
Ock feels sympathy for his greatest enemy?? He thinks he's suffered enough and should not be killed?? What the hell?? This is Doctor Octopus we're talking about right?? The man who has tried to kill Spider-Man more than any other Spidey villain.Who has made super villain groups for the sole purpose of killing Spider-Man.
He only saved Spider-Man in Web of Death so he could kill him himself later."Resume the dance" he called it. You think the death of Spidey's loved one would inspire sympathy in Octavius??
You forget the Ock/Owl gang war in Spectacular Spider-Man in the 80's, where Ock bashed the Black Cat within an inch of her life,and then went to finish her off in the hospital.And he was well aware she and Spidey were an item.That's why he was doing it.He wanted to punish Spider-Man for ruining his scheme of blowing up New York.
Really SIAT that is quite out of character for Octavius.The most humanity he's ever shown was for Aunt May.I think he was genuinely fond of her,even though he used her and her home several times for his criminal schemes.I think,no I know if Ock found out Spidey lost a loved one,it would fill him with joy.He'd only be sorry it wasn't him that got to do it.
Your idea would be good for a 'What if' story,but never in regular continuity.If there's one thing I hate it's bastardization of classic characters.It's one of the main reasons why Sins Past is so universally hated.
No offence dude,but as a long time Spidey/Ock fan,that idea is way out of character for Ock.
SpideyInATree said:Like I said earlier in the post. I have warped ideas of the Spider-Man mythos and if I were really a writer at Marvel...I'd probably be getting my ass ripped open worse than JMS.
You think it's out of character. But it's just a quick idea that I had and I haven't even really fleshed it out at all yet.
Remember, Doctor Octopus was drugged beyond belief by people we have no idea about during Millar's Marvel Knights run and then he was struck by lightning...there are a million things you can do with that. Possibly amnesia or certain memories lost.
And the main point of it was to make Ock a more sympathetic villain for the readers as opposed to the mad scientist who's got a serious hard on for killing Spider-Man.
And also in my planned Spider-Man arc Ock would play a role in finding Baby May...and Pete and Ock would also resume their battle at the end of the arc.
To me, Ock is Spidey's greatest villain...not Osborn.
Doc Ock said:LOL! Well if you did that to Ock,then you'd be off my christmas card list
Well it is out of character.I've only ever seen Octavius show sympathy for Aunt May,because she was genuinely kind to him.For example,there he was trying to marry her so he could get his hands on her inheritance of a nuclear facility so he could build atomic weapons of mass destruction with it,and at the same time he's gallantly protecting May when Hammerhead and his goons attacked the wedding.
And Stunner.I think he cared for her too.Especially after she sacrificed herself to bring him back from the dead.
They already covered that in issue 12.They said when Ock recovered he was missing two months of his life.Obviously the two months he was being brain washed to kill Osborn.
But that is the nature of Ock.He is an evil,fiendish super villain.You want sympathetic villains then go to the Lizard or Harry Osborn as GG2.
Same as we don't try to make the Joker sympathetic.Leave that for Two Face and his kind.
That sounds interesting.Let me know more on that angle![]()
Agreed.Osborn is more an enemy of Peter Parker.Like Stan Lee once said: GG is Peter Parker's greatest enemy,while Doctor Octopus is Spider-Man's greatest enemy.
SpideyInATree said:As I said. It was just part of the quick idea I had of a story arc. I know the first thing I'm pitching as a Spidey writer is clearing up the Baby May storyline that's been dangling for like...a decade.
But you're right about Ock, I suppose. I wanted to use one of his strongest villains and a villain who would love to see him splattered on a wall...you know...helping him against Norman Osborn in a quest to reclaim his daughter. And then when Pete gets Baby May back Ock tries to kill him.
But maybe I could use a different Spidey villain. Hmmm...
Galactus said:Is it really the writer who decides in which direction the comic should go? Isn't that the editor's decision? Even if you have some interesting ideas you can't be sure Marvel would let you do exactly all that you want to do.
Effect said:Who is Kaine? Keep hearing the name.
MJD said:I have a few ideas:
1) During the Civil War I would have a basic superhero, superhero fight between Stark and Peter when Peter refuses to give up his secret identity. Stark easily defeats Spidey, who is wearing his Iron spider suit. This causes a rift amongst the Avenegrs, especially with Captain America, who doesn't like the way Stark treated Peter but loves America so he follows the law. MJ and Aunt May are throwm out of Avenger Tower. Peter puts on his own coustume and is basically on the run from the rest of the pro resgintration superheros and the authorities, because of this Peter is fired from his teaching job at the school. Meanwhile the tension within the AVENEGRS reaches its peak when a loved one of a superhero is brutaly murdered by a villain who would have no way of knowing the heros identily if not for the reginstration act. Captain America decides to campaign for a reforendum(or whatever its called in the US) to have the registration act void and all information given by the superheros to be destroyed. With Caps popularity with the people so high he is successful but it leaves a tear between Stark and Captain America causing the Avenegers to split, with Spidey going in Caps side.
Without Starks finaces and no government support, the Avengers on Caps side have to fend for themselves including homes and food etc. It also leads them to go back to their roots, no high tech **** for them Meanwhile Starks side begin to all get Iron suits, Stark is so arrogant that he wants to prove to the world it was he who mae the Avengers not Cap. A major threat attacks earth, what I'm not sure, but both sets of Avengers go to meet it, and Iron Man and Spidey are captured. During their long captivity Stark and Spidey are vrutally tortured, the threat want to study the animalistic side of humans vs the techinical side, eventually both men are broken down and they are set loose on each other. Spidey beats Iron man into a bloody pulp, he takes his mask off so that Tony can see into his eyes as he dies, when in the reflection on Iron Mans armour Spidey see's, Peter Parker and refuses to kill him, explaining that no matter what anyone says, he is a man and as a man he has responsiblity for his actions and he wil never revert to an animal side that would have him be willing to kill someone. On the outside the remaining Avenegers have decided to fight together to rescuse them and have finaaly broken into the base. An all out battle begins with a out of it Tony Stark resucing Captain America. The Avengers brcome a team again but the uneasyness between Cap and Iron Man contiues.
Meanwhile Spidey decides that he doesn't belong on a team, the registration act makes him realise that he is too head strong and that although he feels he's right this time, at another time it could cost the team when he's wrong.
2) His teaching job gone, Peter returns to the Bugle as a freelancer but things have changed, Jonah has a new found respect for Spider-Man, he explains that he discoverd something about a certain Spider-Woman during the act and that Spider-Man had saved him a lot of agro. During this time Venom and theres something wrong with him, he's missing something inside. Cargan is not a perfect host he has no real hatred of Spider-man he hates only Jameson and the smyboite is confused by this, with Brock they both had strong feelings towards Spider-Man but with Scorpy there's no real connection meantally. Venom goes after Jameson, kid naps him and begins to torture him, learning this Peter begins to track him but with no great detective skills he is forced to visit Eddie Brock who is being kept alive in ravencroft by a machiene. Brock gives the information as to where the symboite would take Jameson but only gives it to Spidey on one condition, he must promise to kill the symboite and end the madness forever. Spidey finds the Smyboite and in the fight the symboite bonds with Spidey once again. The news is reported in the Bugle and after hearing the news Carnage begins to fear for his life, worried that a Venom with the new revved up Spider-Man would be to powerful for even him to stop. Carnage then breaks Eddie Brock out of prison, hoping that the Venom symboite will then bond with him again, allowing for him to finally kill Brock, Spidey and Venom all all once. The Spider-Venom and Carnage meet in batte above the baxter building. Peter had gained enough conrol to go for help, during the battle the Human Torch, being the only memebr home, goes out and joins the battle, during the fight Carnage knocks Brock of the building, seeing this the symboite debonds with Spidey and goes to save Brock, they bond an they swing off Brock wishing that he had died. While this is happening the Torch is easily beating Carnage with his fire, thinking Spidey can look after himself, wrong Peter has (conveiently for us) lost his new ablities including organic webbing and Torch has to save him allowing Carnage to escape. Meanwhile we see that Venom now has Spideys extra strenght stingers etc...
I might post more later if peoiple like these
UK_Stu said:Symbiotes are definitely NOT the way to go. Besides Carnage is dead and you'd need to explain how he was back. I like the idea that Venom might go after JJJ now, because of Gargon. But thats it I'm afraid, sorry I appreciate you probably spent a while typing this old boy
In the first New Avengers arc, he was ripped apart by Sentry in space.MJD said:when did carnage die?