Mentok said:Make baby Jesus cry.
Super_Ludacris said:Oh they definetly rejoin under a new name but I would suspect some actually use the options in the poll like a step by step programme
November Rain said:what i don't understand is how people can just stop coming with no outside (or inside) influence....
i'm pretty sure some people must just think one day...redmarvel said:There is always some sort of influence... we just may not be aware of what it is. With some posters they may not get the opportunity to say farewell (or goodbye and good riddence).
Ronny Shade said:I think they go back to their secret rebel base and conspire.
November Rain said:i'm pretty sure some people must just think one day...
'i can't be bothered'
and never log on again....
LexCorp said:or they get girlfriends.................
Darthphere said:Tissue box and hand lotion.
LexCorp said:hehehe ^
Why would any one want to get banned anyway? What does one have to do to get banned?