What do you prefer?


WTF face
Apr 16, 2006
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Drinkg straight from the bottle, milk carton and so on or do you prefer to pour into a glass?

For me, straight from the carton.
I prefer grammatically correct thread titles!! :mad:
I pour whatever I'm gonna drink in a cup. Unless, there's just a little bit left and there's a new one unopened, I'll drink the little bit out of the bottle. Mostly I just do that with water though.
I'm all about a glass/cups . . . cuz you can easily add ice :up:
I live alone so there's no reason to pour it into a glass, when I lived with my parents I poured it into a glass.
I drink out of the carton. Backwash and food chunks later FTW!
this thread is weak :down

but more than that, it's wet and sticky too :(
I drink out of a cup. If it's the last of the milk/soda or whatever in the carton/2-liter I will drink out of that just to finish it off.

I have a few friends who in the past I wouldn't move out with because drinking straight from the carton was one of their bad habits.
If you drink out of the carton you are sick.
You are a terrible person.
This thread makes me feel nauseous...because it's so banal, and the thought, of Lunar_Wolf, with ketchup smeared all over his chubby, ruddy cheeks, carelessly introducing his mouth juices into an otherwise wonderful source of drink.

If you drink out of the carton you are sick.
You are a terrible person.
This thread makes me feel nauseous...because it's so banal, and the thought, of Lunar_Wolf, with ketchup smeared all over his chubby, ruddy cheeks, carelessly introducing his mouth juices into an otherwise wonderful source of drink.

I'm coming to ruin your wonderful source of drinks.
I've got the ketchup ready:o
Both work for me. If I'm not sharing, a bottle works fine.
I'm a bit of a germaphobe, so no, into a glass.
I've always poured into a glass.

So that wouldnt have to be a habit to break in the long run. ;)
Weather it be milk, water, or juice etc. I prefer using a glass
Beer? Definatly a botte.:cwink:
I'm coming to ruin your wonderful source of drinks.
I've got the ketchup ready:o

Ketchup? did someone say ketchup?
*runs to find Lunar's ketchup face* LOL

Me, I drink from a glass, unless the bottle is almost empty. Now when you're talking about single serve bottles, like beer or soda, then I drink from the bottle.

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