What do you store your comics in


Aug 11, 2003
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So, me and my girlfreind are moving in together and while she doesn't care about the comics, she's not thrilled with how I store them, in the typical comic boxes you buy at stores. I agree with her. While the comic boxes are fit for comics, THEY ARE STILL boxes. She was wondering if their is anything "more stylish" or that would look better in the apt. than boxes, like something you can purchase at IKEA. Any suggestions?
Yes. The next time your girlfriend says anything resembling the "unconditional love" talk, remind her of this conversation.
tub containers. I have two long ones that I usually put most of them in, then I put those under my bed or in the garage.
So, me and my girlfreind are moving in together and while she doesn't care about the comics, she's not thrilled with how I store them, in the typical comic boxes you buy at stores. I agree with her. While the comic boxes are fit for comics, THEY ARE STILL boxes. She was wondering if their is anything "more stylish" or that would look better in the apt. than boxes, like something you can purchase at IKEA. Any suggestions?

Tell that ***** to mind her own business and get back in the kitchen.:cmad: :cmad: :cmad:
Rectangular boxes which used to hold packages of paper towels.
I use my dorm room drawer, but the above suggestions are solid if you're an avid collector.
I keep mine in binders. And keep the binders, usually, in a storage unit.
You can do what one forum member did, and that is bind all his comics into a hardcover book ready to read at anytime. The drawback is you have to buy all the issues again because in order to bind it, they have to cut out each page to transfer it.

Or you can buy a a nice book shelf and instead of putting them facing laterally, you can have them facing you like a Comic Shop. If you have a really huge collection, there really isn't any stylish way of keeping them in the house other than storing them safely. The last thing you want is your comics to be stolen without you even knowing.
I keep mine in 4 shoe boxes. Hell, considering I have a bunch of comic-filled shopping bags scattered around my computer desk (too lazy to put them up), I might have to find another old shoe box.
essentially i store mine in drawers... one in which i had designed to fit my comics in perfectly
Got 3 long boxes...but, need another :cmad:
I'd prefer to store them somewhere much nicer, but I wouldn't know what to get.
You can do what one forum member did, and that is bind all his comics into a hardcover book ready to read at anytime. The drawback is you have to buy all the issues again because in order to bind it, they have to cut out each page to transfer it.

Or you can buy a a nice book shelf and instead of putting them facing laterally, you can have them facing you like a Comic Shop. If you have a really huge collection, there really isn't any stylish way of keeping them in the house other than storing them safely. The last thing you want is your comics to be stolen without you even knowing.

I am very interested in the first sugestion. I wouldn't even mind cutting them up since I only buy them to read anyway. So can I get more info and maybe some instructions?
essentially i store mine in drawers... one in which i had designed to fit my comics in perfectly

Where did you have the drawers made? and how much did it cost? I'm getting rid of about half my collection because I dont want to move 15 long boxes, and honestly, I'm never gonna read most of it again. so might as well sell them to people htat have yet to read them.
I am very interested in the first sugestion. I wouldn't even mind cutting them up since I only buy them to read anyway. So can I get more info and maybe some instructions?

Oof. I think I cried a little at reading that.

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