Well we all pretty much know what happened on and the answers to all the puzzles, but what was it like for those in San Diego who got their face painted, met the Gotham cookie lady, and followed the clues?
If you were there, share your experiences here.
If you mean you'd like to know who was in the AIM Chatroom, I was miatchhhhhhh. .Yes! ComicFilmExpert was in contact via phone with someone on the ground and relaying all of the messages to us in the AIM chat room. It was a HELL of a lot of fun. I would like to know who was there or who was on the phone as well. Thanks to whoever you are!!!
Images from
"Ahhh! Fanboys!"
"God, when I made fun of Ledger's make-up, I never knew I was gonna have to wear it myself."
Little girl missed out on all the fun, just like those of us who woke up late.
wow seriously WB has done some great marketing
What time and where did they have a Joker makeup booth?
was she pretty? t:
Seriously, what else they gave you?
So....why a girl scout? Why cookies? Why not cracker jacks? Or Circle animal cookies?
Well, I didn't get anything seeing as how I wasn't there.
The Gotham Cookie Lady: