Prepare yourselves for a rant my fellow super-hero-hypers. What has happened to Final Fantasy????? What was once arguably the best rpg franchise has become nothing but a mere shadow of what it used to be. Lets face it.....This series was in its prime following 4, 5, then quite possibly the best in 6....Then quite possibly topping that with 7! Then following the impossible with 3 more amazing games. Final Fantasy 8, 9, and 10 came out within a year of each other. Then after 10, we wait 4 years....for something that has an identity crisis???? Can I please have control over all the characters in my party again? Pretty soon The A.I. will just control everything and we'll just be watching a movie. Its pathetic. Final Fantasy 13 didnt do much to change that either. Ill be the first to admit that 13's battle system had a great flow to it, but once again I was more or less completely turned off by it due to lack of character control. Doesnt anyone else miss the good 'ol days where you control everyones actions, make them stronger, gain new abilities.....and finally get to use them! Nothing was cooler than Sabin gaining a new Blitz and scramming to go into battle again just so I could use it. Same for when Barret or Red XIII would gain a new limit break....It just isn't the same anymore. And hey, maybe I am alone here, but I don't think I am. Im tired of waiting 4-5 years for an A.I. controlled 100% linear mess. When they finally do get to Final Fantasy 15, which is after another online disaster in 14, also after Versus 13 which will be an action game, I for one would like to see a remake of any one from 4-9. Either that or for them to finally go back to their roots. I beg of you square enix! Let us play Final Fantasy again.
What thoughts do you guys have about this.
What thoughts do you guys have about this.