Long Story(READ THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK/BOREDOM)...this was years ago, and I was more younger, more immature and full of spite back then...I was working at one of the worst and useless supermarkets ever to be shopped at by man and wookie(that's a story for another time)...
Me and 3 other disgruntled employees were shooting the sh** in the breakroom....I made a joke/whimsey comment about how it'd be funny if someone gave our manager a turd for his upcoming b-day. One of the other guys in the room(who really hated the manager) runs with the idea and gets the rest of us onboard for a prank...a unnecessarily detailed plan/prank was created that day and we were all given our specific roles to play in it(I hesitated at first...but my subconscious desire to do something rebellious took control of me).
The 1st guy(the instigator of the incident)supplied the turd, the box, and the gift wrapping. The 2nd guy took the package and pushed it in a cart(a brave kid he was he was)...his job was to smuggle the box out of the store without looking suspicious....the 3rd guy was a lookout/distraction(he kept the 3 on-the-floor managers busy while the drop took place)...and I was the 4th guy...it was my parking lot cart-hour and I was pushing that same particular cart with the same particular package towards the manager's car....and I left it on the ground next to his car.
The package was neatly wrapped. And I was the only witness to the actual opening of the "gift"(the others were busy doing the work that they were supposed to be paid for)The poor guy(my manager)opened it inside of his vehicle, and his reaction was priceless. He immediately stormed back into his office to check over the surveillance cameras(but his car was parked so far out into the lot that the cameras didn't catch any footage of me leaving me it under his car)...
A witch-hunt was started the next day, and the manager interrogated every employee(except for me, the instigator of the plan, and some other co-worker who had nothing to do with it at all...we were his worst enemies)...the other 2 guys(the look-out and smuggler)both vouched for me, but later on the instigator himself tried to pin the whole prank on me(btw I later on kicked him in the nads for that).
In the end, besides the turd itself....there was no evidence. Everyone got away with it...word around the workplace got spread, and I was blamed for the crime...but since everyone hated the manager to begin with, I was declared a walking legend....for 6 months until the store closed down(f**king economy).
True Story, Bro.