What is this?

You ever see that one Futurama episode when all the robots had to fart to move the planet?

Well the aftermath is considered to be that blue splotch. So powerful it traveled back in time. That gas station happens to be the get away island in that episode.
Now it makes sense! :eek:

Seriously, WTF is it?! You guys think it was a ghost? Or a space alien that is spying on mankind?
Seriously though, I think its a ghost. No sarcasm, when I first saw it, it just as that eerie kinda feel.

Some people said it was a bug, but...hell
It's probably just a bug. There's no way that's a plastic bag.
you can't seriously think that's a bug. It looks like a pile organic blue gas. I know never to be involved in a real life horror movie with you. If you heard scream you probably would think it was just the wind! :cmad:
A bug is the most logical explaination. The people who think it's a plastic bag really need to get glasses.
Actually the most logical choice? A ghost. I don't even believe in ghost at all but even I have to say that's what it looks like. I haven't seen any bug that looks nothing like that. I feel what you are saying but still. This right here, this might be a bug.


But the blue thing is a ghost. :o
The video with the blue mist looks paranormal, but most of the time there is an explination for a lot of these videos.

You got me in the mood to watch ghost videos. So I just happend to pick this video and get the **** scared out of me. Make sure you have the volume down. :csad:

This was posted sometime ago.

As strange as it is, I'm sure there is a logical explanation.

The video with the blue mist looks paranormal, but most of the time there is an explination for a lot of these videos.

You got me in the mood to watch ghost videos. So I just happend to pick this video and get the **** scared out of me. Make sure you have the volume down. :csad:

There should be a thread for these :)..but it might get old quick :(. I always turn the volume down, scroll down the screen so there is a tiny bit of the video showing, and just wait.
The video with the blue mist looks paranormal, but most of the time there is an explination for a lot of these videos.

You got me in the mood to watch ghost videos. So I just happend to pick this video and get the **** scared out of me. Make sure you have the volume down. :csad:

That's how I was last night. I saw it on youtube and saw other videos that had me going wtf and had to sleep with the light on last night. I still say that blue thing is a ghost. How do you guys get a bug out of it? :huh:
There is no mystery. It was a bug sitting there on the lens, then, later, it moves.
It's a bug on the lens.
I guess it has happened before and maybe it has something to do with there not being enough uv light to divert the bugs color

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