Ok. Here is my advice to you. Wait and save a little more cash. You will be surprised what a couple hundred dollars extra will get you. Keep an eye on contrast ratio. This will make a big difference. Go to your local electronic store and see for yourself. 720p is something else you should make sure it has. I am extremely against LCD, but that looks like the way you should go. Here are some suggestions.No more than $550.
If the monitor has a DVI port, yes. You will need a DVI/HDMI adapter. Or you can get this.If I were to get a second monitor to attach to my laptop, would I be able to run my PS3 on there?
Id just wait and get an HDTV, bc IMO its worth it.well, i'm thinkin of gettin a monitor because it's less expensive than an HDTV.
he's looking for no more than $550 and you suggest one thats over $2000?Buy this HDTV from Circuit City this week, and get an XBOX360 Premium (bundled with "Rockstar Table Tennis") for free!
he's looking for no more than $550 and you suggest one thats over $2000?