What was the biggest problem with Dr. Doom?


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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What do you think it was? I noticed most of you hated Doom the most out of all of the film.

I liked him. I have the action figure, and a mask.
Here's what I thought.


The costume was one of the best things about him. It had a cool look and was very clever. In the next film, I would like the same mask, and for him to have a more comic-like costume though.


Good origin, they made it go well with the movie. The original comic origin was better. They kind of screwed Doom up with making his skin turn to metal and giving him electic powers, but I still liked it. It would have been better with a more comic-like origin and powers. But some of that would seem a little too fake.


Not Victor Von Doom, Dr. Doom. He had some good lines that were pretty evil, I also liked when he pulled Mr. Fantastic's fingers back, that was Doom-like. But he could have been MORE evil. They should make him very mean and nasty if he's in Fantastic Four II. VERY mean and nasty.


How was his acting as Doom? I thought it was perfect. He didn't say any corny lines, which is good.:up:

So, what was your biggest problem with Doom?
Mine was the origin I guess. It just should have been more comic-like.


And what do I mean with the "very mean and nasty"?
In June I will post something in the Fantastic Four II forum. It's going to be my fan-made scenes with Doom in it. I will show you what I mean.
I just have to do some research, and wait until school is out.

Oh, crap. I spelled origin wrong in the poll lol.

You know what it says.
It wasn't really Dr. Doom, just a crappy character with a few Doom traits tacked on in hopes that it would be "close enough". Plus, Julian's acting was god awful, and his voice was very effeminite. Doom sounded like a closeted hair stylist, not Victor Von Doom.

So basically, everything was the biggest problem with Doom in that movie.
I forgot to put "everything" in the poll. I was going to.
I personally thought the only thing right about Doom was the costume. Everything else needs to be fixed.
For me his evil. Though I prefer movie Pre-Doom Victor to Pre-Doom comic Victor:o I thought Julian's acting was fine. And the voice Doom was supposed to have that showed up in the R2 version of the DVD sounded much better than the theatrical screw up voice Fox did. Gave him morew presence.

Obviously Dr.Doom wasn't on screen for very long so you can only really judge Victor which I thought was good after seeing the deleted scenes with more of his development.

When he finally "turned" into Doom he was...he was more like a Victor version of Doom. He had some of the spirit of Doom and some of his traits and probobly a line here and there that were Doom-like.

Other than that...I thought he was still a good villian but the fight was so short you can't judge.

To me the movie was more like the elongated version of Doom's origin for him to become the true Doom in the sequel. But I guess when you're under Fox that's the best you can do.

And on the "marco polo" line. When I read it in the script it came off as more of a mocking of Sue's powers as being inferior and useless compared to his own. And Julian's delivery played that off and how it was shot with the shileds being thrusted at him at that moment as well. So I didn't have much of a problem with that.:o

Those are my personal feeling son the subject.

I myself liked movie Doom. But I can't wait to actually see the true Dr. Doom in FF2.
For me his evil. Though I prefer movie Pre-Doom Victor to Pre-Doom comic Victor:o I thought Julian's acting was fine. And the voice Doom was supposed to have that showed up in the R2 version of the DVD sounded much better than the theatrical screw up voice Fox did. Gave him morew presence.


Obviously Dr.Doom wasn't on screen for very long so you can only really judge Victor which I thought was good after seeing the deleted scenes with more of his development.

i thought he was better after the deleted scenes as well....but he was Victor at the time...not Doom yet.

When he finally "turned" into Doom he was...he was more like a Victor version of Doom. He had some of the spirit of Doom and some of his traits and probobly a line here and there that were Doom-like.

Never thought of it that way....true...

Other than that...I thought he was still a good villian but the fight was so short you can't judge.

i knew he wasn't going to be Doom of the comics, but i hoped he would make a good villain...not sure that he reached that for me...

To me the movie was more like the elongated version of Doom's origin for him to become the true Doom in the sequel. But I guess when you're under Fox that's the best you can do.

And on the "marco polo" line. When I read it in the script it came off as more of a mocking of Sue's powers as being inferior and useless compared to his own. And Julian's delivery played that off and how it was shot with the shileds being thrusted at him at that moment as well. So I didn't have much of a problem with that.:o

i heard Doom saying that w/ strength as he grabbed Sue's neck, just didn't turn out the way i had it in my head....

Those are my personal feeling son the subject.

I myself liked movie Doom. But I can't wait to actually see the true Dr. Doom in FF2.

i can't wait to see a true Doom either, i hope we get him...

Cut out 75% of his lines once he changes to Doom and he would have been much more menacing . . . and since he's behind a mask, they could actually do that for the director's cut.

Imagine instead of him saying "Marco Polo" he is just silently looking around the room. Instead of saying "you're fired" he just blasts Sue. That would have worked much better.
Willie Lumpkin said:

Cut out 75% of his lines once he changes to Doom and he would have been much more menacing . . . and since he's behind a mask, they could actually do that for the director's cut.

Imagine instead of him saying "Marco Polo" he is just silently looking around the room. Instead of saying "you're fired" he just blasts Sue. That would have worked much better.

All though the lines were clever and good, but that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Nice thinking.:up:
Willie Lumpkin said:

Cut out 75% of his lines once he changes to Doom and he would have been much more menacing . . . and since he's behind a mask, they could actually do that for the director's cut.

Imagine instead of him saying "Marco Polo" he is just silently looking around the room. Instead of saying "you're fired" he just blasts Sue. That would have worked much better.

Willie Lumpkin said:

Cut out 75% of his lines once he changes to Doom and he would have been much more menacing . . . and since he's behind a mask, they could actually do that for the director's cut.

Imagine instead of him saying "Marco Polo" he is just silently looking around the room. Instead of saying "you're fired" he just blasts Sue. That would have worked much better.

I agree totally. I have no problem with Julian but my gawd, he had better lines on "Charmed" and that's no compliment to the FF movie script. I have to say that I was wondering about how JMS would handle Doom in his return in this month's FF#537 and I have to say he acquitted himself quite well. JMS strikes an odd balance of both menace and humor that really works rather well--something I wish the movie could have been. I like how in this month's FF, Doom comes back from Hell, greases his disloyal prime minister and then demands a bath to be prepared, while his underlings ponder the distinct scent of brimstone in the air. I would love to see a scene in that vein in the sequel, if he even is going to appear at all.
5) costume was adequate but nothing special
4) dialogue - silly and campy
3) acted like Donald Trump, NOT Doom
2) horrible origin
1) No magic or sorcery
blind_fury said:
5) costume was adequate but nothing special
4) dialogue - silly and campy
3) acted like Donald Trump, NOT Doom
2) horrible origin
1) No magic or sorcery

I completely hated how they basically made him a carbon copy of Norman Osborn from the first Spider-Man movie...fighting off a hostile takeover from his Board Directors and Shareholders....

That was very disappointing.
I'd say Dr Doom's origin was his biggest problem as he sure did'nt speak with a Latverian accent,but that did'nt alter the fact that I really enjoyed the Fantastic Four movie.
:) :ff:
Iron Maiden said:
I agree totally. I have no problem with Julian but my gawd, he had better lines on "Charmed" and that's no compliment to the FF movie script. I have to say that I was wondering about how JMS would handle Doom in his return in this month's FF#537 and I have to say he acquitted himself quite well. JMS strikes an odd balance of both menace and humor that really works rather well--something I wish the movie could have been. I like how in this month's FF, Doom comes back from Hell, greases his disloyal prime minister and then demands a bath to be prepared, while his underlings ponder the distinct scent of brimstone in the air. I would love to see a scene in that vein in the sequel, if he even is going to appear at all.

I agree, but for some reason....as I read the comic I was like....damn he's an ass.....lol
CaptainStacy said:
I completely hated how they basically made him a carbon copy of Norman Osborn from the first Spider-Man movie...fighting off a hostile takeover from his Board Directors and Shareholders....

That was very disappointing.

My feelings exactly. When VVD blasts the hole in the guy's chest in the parking garage, you can almost hear him say "Out, am I?"
Obi-Ron said:
My feelings exactly. When VVD blasts the hole in the guy's chest in the parking garage, you can almost hear him say "Out, am I?"

Bigest problem with Doom was he was way too powerful. No one gets up when The Thing clobbers you. And Doom blasting The Thing out of the back of the garbage truck ? Come on.
Carp Man said:
Bigest problem with Doom was he was way too powerful. No one gets up when The Thing clobbers you. And Doom blasting The Thing out of the back of the garbage truck ? Come on.

Ya know Thingy, by the time you get to the next movie, you will pretty much hate the first movie at the rate you are going....

Honestly, I've never seen such a turn around from someone that slammed anyone who had anything bad to say about the movie.....your new persona as Fish Man...wow such a turn around...don't deny it....cause you can't.....you picked up the editing bug after a couple of us said it, and you haven't turned back since.....
JMAfan said:
Ya know Thingy, by the time you get to the next movie, you will pretty much hate the first movie at the rate you are going....

Honestly, I've never seen such a turn around from someone that slammed anyone who had anything bad to say about the movie.....your new persona as Fish Man...wow such a turn around...don't deny it....cause you can't.....you picked up the editing bug after a couple of us said it, and you haven't turned back since.....

I still love the movie. Would still give it an 8 out of 10. But it did have flaws, and the only reason I have this name is because i had my account taken away, because they MISTANKLEY thought I created a 2nd acount. But that's ok, noone in adminstration thinks they can make a mistake, but I'm back, bigger, badder, and more po'd then ever.Soon as I can make a signature, this will be it. http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/kane/destruction/
Carp Man said:
I still love the movie. Would still give it an 8 out of 10. But it did have flaws, and the only reason I have this name is because i had my account taken away, because they MISTANKLEY thought I created a 2nd acount. But that's ok, noone in adminstration thinks they can make a mistake, but I'm back, bigger, badder, and more po'd then ever.Soon as I can make a signature, this will be it. http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/kane/destruction/

yeah, yeah, yeah....been their heard that excuse....whatever....

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