What was your favorite moment in the trailer?

TDK elbowstrike

"I'm a man of my word..."
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
So people, just curious as to what specificly stood out for you in this trailer? That one moment when your eyes welled up or your fist pumped rapidly in the air? Hard to pick one, but if you must, what would it be?
Anything Russell Crowe said.

And the punching. :p
Definitely the Superman/Lois exchange! he smiled and there was so much chemistry there.

And there's this scene that got stuck in my head and gave me chills, it's the military pointing their guns at Superman in sync with the gradually growing music, and the shot of Superman hovering in front of them, the cinematography looked so amazing, the colors of the military were dark in contrast to the deep red cape of Superman. Beautiful, just beautiful

And also this moment wich reminded me of Birthright...

With the voice-over of Lois's touching words...

and and...
Oh, man...

The opening shot.
Jor-El and Lara.
Superman walking out of the Fortress of Solitude.
Superman in the beam.
Zod under arrest.
Clark running shirtless (I don't care, he looked insane).
Close-up of Superman flying.
The flying punches.
The sheer SIZE of everything.

Everything, basically.

EDIT: Oh, geez! I forgot about Superman dodging the gunfire from the planes.
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You are my son.

I definately got misty eyed when he said that line. I was adopted, so that line was especialy poignant for me. So to me, family is absolutely about more than just blood relation. Very good scene!
Jor-El's "he'll be a god to them", "Lois's voiceover" and the shot of Supes evading the chaingun fire from the A-10 Thunderbolt. The first because Russell Crowe is just amazing as Jor-El. So many layers and pathos to his performance. The second because it is proof that they get Superman and, finally, the last moment because it was the first real moment in a live-action that I felt like I was truly watching Superman, not someone playing him or a man in a harness. It was how I always pictured something like happening in my head when reading the comics.
My two favorite SHOTS would probably be the opening shot of Jor-El in Krypton and the shot of Supes walking out of the fortress.

the shot of Supes evading the chaingun fire from the A-10 Thunderbolt.
This is a close third, though. I agree that's how I always imagined Superman to move when reading the comics.
You beleave your son is safe?

I will find him!
Great responses all!

I agree, anything Russell Crowe said was pure gold. I like how stoic and calm he was in the face of Kryptons certain destruction and the impossible choice to send his sonaway. It contrasts well with Shannons Zodd who is anything but calm in this trailer.
My two favorite SHOTS would probably be the opening shot of Jor-El in Krypton and the shot of Supes walking out of the fortress.

Coincidently, this is my favorite part of the entire trailer. I couldnt help but wondering, what would Joel Schuelster and Jerry Segal say if they could see this? What reaction would they have? Then I had to fight back the tears. A Superman movie like this is long overdue.
The part where he smacks (what I think is) Zod three times and the part where he's flying through the mountains and we see him close up
Those punches were monsterous! Am i mistaken, or where there shockwaves? This is bound to be the best part of the trailer for a lot of people.
the scene between Jonathan & young Clark and the music build up that led to the awesome action
You are my son.

I definately got misty eyed when he said that line. I was adopted, so that line was especialy poignant for me. So to me, family is absolutely about more than just blood relation. Very good scene!

I agree. It was an amazing delivery from Costner, for such a small and often cliched phrase. I became a father recently, so everything that has to do with father-son relationships gets me. This moment in the trailer felt genuine. And this says a lot, considering it was a trailer filled with spectacle.

If I had to choose an impressive moment, that would be Supes in the middle of that beam. I like my comic book movies with a touch of exaggeration, thank you! :woot:
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That was pretty impressive. Reminded me of th old Fleicher cartoon where Supesnwas fighting an energy beam. I dont have any scans, but it is a pretty iconic moment in animation. Intended or not, nice call-back to the '40s cartoon.
That was pretty impressive. Reminded me of th old Fleicher cartoon where Supesnwas fighting an energy beam. I dont have any scans, but it is a pretty iconic moment in animation. Intended or not, nice call-back to the '40s cartoon.
I remember that! I had it on VHS. Superman punching the beam and pushing it back up with his arms. That scene is epic.
Lois:'' I think the S should stand for.....''
They just met and she is already making the decisions in the (not yet) relationship.
I remember that! I had it on VHS. Superman punching the beam and pushing it back up with his arms. That scene is epic.

Yes! Im glad someone else remembers that! I think it may have been done intentionally. Cant wait to see that scene in full.
Lois:'' I think the S should stand for.....''
They just met and she is already making the decisions in the (not yet) relationship.

:lmao: I cant even explain how abruptly and loudly i laughed when I read that. And its almost five in the morning here. Hope I didnt wake any of my roomates.
Lots of money shots in the trailer, all of which I loved, but my favourite was definitely the Lois/Superman interrogation. If you can even call it an interrogation :D

There's lots of reasons I like that scene - Lois's constant grin, Cavill's boyish smile and manner, his calm and friendly responses, the explanation of the 'S' on his chest. There's clearly chemistry between them and the whole exchange has a flirtatious vibe to it, which - when you think about it - is totally at odds with the reality of the situation (a reporter is interviewing an alien in some kind of military stronghold, whilst being tensely watched through a 2-way mirror by personnel). It's an interesting scene because you could stick the two of them in a cafe dressed in normal clothes and the exchange would be just as relaxed; they are so invested in their interaction it's like they have forgotten where they are.

Cavill's demeanour is great here too. He's one of the most powerful beings in existence, but he couldn't be any more down to earth in that scene if he tried - which is 100% Superman to me; friendly, charming, no ego, and most importantly, likeable.
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Lots of money shots in the trailer, all of which I loved, but my favourite was definitely the Lois/Superman interrogation. If you can even call it an interrogation :D

There's lots of reasons I like that scene - Lois's constant grin, Cavill's boyish smile and manner, his calm and friendly responses, the explanation of the 'S' on his chest. There's clearly chemistry between them and the whole exchange has a flirtatious vibe to it, which - when you think about it - is totally at odds with the reality of the situation (a reporter is interviewing an alien in some kind of military stronghold, whilst being tensely watched through a 2-way mirror by personnel). It's an interesting scene because they you could stick the two of them in a cafe dressed in normal clothes and the exchange would be just as relaxed; they are so invested in their interaction it's like they have forgotten where they are.

Cavill's demeanour is great here too. He's one of the most powerful beings in existence, but he couldn't be any more down to earth in that scene if he tried - which is 100% Superman to me; friendly, charming, no ego, and most importantly, likeable.

Yeah, his charisma from The Tudors is definitely back.
Yep I'll agree with "you are my son" taking the cake.

Glad that someone did the writing for Snyder this time. :funny:

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