What will never make it into the movies?


Big Green Machine.
Feb 14, 2008
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What storylines or characters from the comics do you think will never make it into the movies?
The Joker raping someone. Or torturing a child. Basically there will always be an element of escapism to superhero movies, and there's a line that movie studios won't let the criminals cross into where they commit the most depraved or vile crimes. Probably to the good, as I would dislike hyper realism in these movies as well. At some point it would just be like, "Man, why is there a guy in a neon purple jumpsuit handling this? That guy just threw a baby into a woodchipper." There's a line of absurdity that can't be crossed.

I don't know that we'll never see homosexual superheroes in a movie. I can see Alan Scott or Apollo and Midnighter being in a movie, although as main characters? Don't think I'd see that in my lifetime, but who knows?
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The TMNT actually killing gang members, foot soldiers, aliens, etc.
The TMNT actually killing gang members, foot soldiers, aliens, etc.

Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, not since the original comics has Leo actually used those swords to decapitate somebody, espeically not in the cartoons or movies (the new comic doesn't really go that far, either).
Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, not since the original comics has Leo actually used those swords to decapitate somebody, espeically not in the cartoons or movies (the new comic doesn't really go that far, either).

Yeah, I noticed that in the IDW. Whats the use of even having bladed weapons ?
Yeah, I noticed that in the IDW. Whats the use of even having bladed weapons ?

Defense, I guess. The ancient art of ninjitsu, apparently used entirely for assassinations, is also the greatest defensive art ever. :whatever: None of the comics since the original had them use them as weapons, though, it's not just the IDW. TMNT Adventures back in the '90s, which was spun out of the original cartoon, I think, though it had a better art style/plots, didn't have any bloody cutting either.

Leo's was always the most obvious one. It's hard to sell a character waving around two full-length swords at once and yet never actually cutting anybody. Both Mikey and Don's are blunt weapons, and Raphael's sai are kind of built as mostly defensive weapons. Leo, though? They could have at least had Leo slash somebody's arm or something once in a while in the new comic to disarm them or something, even if he avoids decapitating them.
Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, not since the original comics has Leo actually used those swords to decapitate somebody, espeically not in the cartoons or movies (the new comic doesn't really go that far, either).

I can actually see that happening, but only possibly with Shredder in the finale.

They decapitated Jango Fett in a family friendly movie.

I remember how surprised I was when they apparently showed him decapitating Shredder in the newer cartoon.

With Leo you can have him slicing / deflecting bullets, and cutting guns in half. Since he's fighting ninjas, you can also have sword fights... so it's really not limited to just cutting / stabbing people.
Defense, I guess. The ancient art of ninjitsu, apparently used entirely for assassinations, is also the greatest defensive art ever. :whatever: None of the comics since the original had them use them as weapons, though, it's not just the IDW. TMNT Adventures back in the '90s, which was spun out of the original cartoon, I think, though it had a better art style/plots, didn't have any bloody cutting either.

Leo's was always the most obvious one. It's hard to sell a character waving around two full-length swords at once and yet never actually cutting anybody. Both Mikey and Don's are blunt weapons, and Raphael's sai are kind of built as mostly defensive weapons. Leo, though? They could have at least had Leo slash somebody's arm or something once in a while in the new comic to disarm them or something, even if he avoids decapitating them.

I loved Archie's " TMNT Adventures ", which like you said , had way better art and plots than IDW. I remember Leo and Raph using the handles of their weapons to knock opponents out. LOL. But your'e right , the art of ninjitsu was mainly self-defense.But Leo's character was more bushido/samurai than ninja. His post Mirage slice/dice body count should be way higher.
I was being sarcastic, is it actually for self-defense? I assumed if the art of ninjitsu actually existed, it was for killing people, since ninja were supposed to assassins. If it's actually a real thing and is about self-defense then I am dog-goned.

Frankly, I don't think there is such a thing as "ninjitsu", anyway, whatever ninja (if traditional ninja even existed) used would have been an amalgamation of various other styles adapted to stealth and killing, to my mind.

But yeah, Leo is such a samurai type that when he never manages to actually use those three-foot long blades it's about as obvious as the A-team never actually shooting anybody that Bowdlerization is occurring...
Well Ninjitsu was the "art of invisibility ", and was used for assasinations, and trained to mostly be undetected, They were never a warrior class/offensive like pop culture portrays them, thats mainly samurais.
Thunder said:
crack85]I can actually see that happening, but only possibly with Shredder in the finale.

They decapitated Jango Fett in a family friendly movie.

I remember how surprised I was when they apparently showed him decapitating Shredder in the newer cartoon.

With Leo you can have him slicing / deflecting bullets, and cutting guns in half. Since he's fighting ninjas, you can also have sword fights... so it's really not limited to just cutting / stabbing people.

Oh, yeah, I guess Revenge of the Sith did kind of make it acceptable to show hands getting sliced off, heads, kids being murdered, people burnign alive, etc. in a PG-13 movie. Inexplicably.

Yeah, maybe they can do some kind of Matrix-esque stuff with Leo to give his swords something to do, but yes, actually ending the movie with him slicing off Shredder's head would be the reasonable thing. Just don't make it bloody, maybe.

They would definitely have more leeway in a PG-13 movie which is I assume what the new one will be, if they ever get around to getting a decent script worked out (at this point we maybe have to wonder if they won't be aliens in the new one instead of mutants...). The first thing they should do is remove Michael Bay from the equation entirely. That guy is poison.
A live action Inhumanoids movie. It's basically H.P. Lovecraft for kids. But then again, if Pacific Rim is a hit, then it might have a chance.
The Joker raping someone. Or torturing a child. Basically there will always be an element of escapism to superhero movies, and there's a line that movie studios won't let the criminals cross into where they commit the most depraved or vile crimes. Probably to the good, as I would dislike hyper realism in these movies as well. At some point it would just be like, "Man, why is there a guy in a neon purple jumpsuit handling this? That guy just threw a baby into a woodchipper." There's a line of absurdity that can't be crossed.

I don't know that we'll never see homosexual superheroes in a movie. I can see Alan Scott or Apollo and Midnighter being in a movie, although as main characters? Don't think I'd see that in my lifetime, but who knows?

I recall going back as an adult to watch the Batman Beyond film that featured Tim Drake's torture/death scenes/mental breakdowns and being utterly shocked that the script was ok'ed in the first place with such a kid-friendly reputation at stake. Although it was heavily edited for public airing, the envelope was certainly pushed (and on Cartoon Network, no less).
LOL scaled Robin shorts(on Carrie) and Howard the Duck reboot may in fact happen!

Never say never.

EDIT: That's so bizzare when I posted this the post above was an image of an action figure wearing the classic Grayson green scaled Robin shorts. Did a Mod remove it?:funny:
Could have at least posted a deleted for reason, so my post doesn't look completely nonsensical.
And what was the reason?
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I'm guessing Tony Stark banging half the Marvel female population isnt going to happen anytime soon
Bruce Banner locker room confrontation

Batmen of All Nations! /Inc.




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Ms. Marvel giving birth to her rapist son? That'll probably never make into Captain Marvel.

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