What would be your perfect MCU?


May 23, 2014
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In a magical alternate reality...

Just say that Marvel Studios was created in the late 90s and they had the rights to every Marvel character ever created to begin with and their first movie to start off the MCU comes out in 2000 (like how Xmen started the marvel movies in 2000).

What movie would you start with and where would you go from there? 20 years of Marvel movies all connected from 2000 - 2020.

How would you do it?
I wouldn't change much if at all
I would keep it the way it is now but after far from home, a new spiderman 3 movie with Tom Holland return to his home state to face Scorpion as main villain and introducing the villain Dr Johnathan Ohnn's as The Spot who finds a way to create portals using the time dialater device but it rips a hold in time and brings in Ben Reilly/ Scarlet Spiderman played by Tobey Maguire with blonde hair that helps spiderman stop these threats but another disturbance brings in Peter Parker who owns Parker Industries and metal suit in clone Wars saga. This introduces madam webb also in MCU and cameo by other new marvel characters like Daredevil cameo, and fantastic four who now owns oscorp tower. This leads to the new Doctor Doom appearing in end credits and then new movies but continuing the saga.
I wouldn't change much except for this:

-Hulk 2 in phase 2 and Hulk 3 in phase 3 and that Mark Ruffalo should have been cast back in 2006/2007.
-Don Cheadle should have been cast as Rhodey in the first Iron Man movie as recasting characters so early in the MCU was a bit jarring to watch and still is when watching those earlier films.
-I don't like the casting of Spider-Man's supporting cast. MJ doesn't look like MJ. Flash doesn't look like Flash. Aunt May should have been old with white hair. I didn't even know who Ned was before Homecoming. So those things threw me off.
-Paul Rudd should have been playing Hank Pym and Evangeline is Janet. I didn't like that they made Pym/Janet old and theyve missed the action.
-More Quicksilver. They should have at least mentioned him after Aou.

The Tv shows are another things but I wouldn't mind if they didn't exist as they wasted a lot of important characters in the shows. I simply can't rewatch the shows and have the same level of enjoyment that I have with the Mcu movies.
I wouldn't change anything significant. Not because I believe the MCU is perfect, but because I am not so arrogant as to believe that I know how to make it better. Especially not in any way that wouldn't end up doing great harm to what already made it awesome.

That said, I would greenlight a TV series or streaming show that stars Darcy. She basically gets to be the Rick Jones of the MCU, getting into weird, genre-aware adventures off on the sides and behind the scenes.
Iron man
Captain America
Incredible Hulk
Fantastic four
Where Iron Fist didn't get ruined from a quarter-assed show and his character didn't become some joke.

Iron Fist should've have been softly introduced in Doctor Strange. Had a proper origin film, join Infinity War, pull off this move on Thanos with Spidey

I think only things I would change are Hulk 2 in phase 2 and keep the Netflix shows going (with a cameo by like Charlie Cox Daredevil in something post-Endgame). That would really be it.
"Perfect MCU" damn that's a hard question to answer. Being that I already rank my MCU at about an 8.6/10 average, it really just comes down to some minor changes.

Thor 1 and 2 would have more action, more grit and less human drama. They are the low points and I have every reason to believe they would be the first things that needed to change. Perhaps even a bit more twisty, less obvious plot direction. Jane Foster becomes Enchantress?

Iron Man 3 was a disappointment. I honestly think that there was so much good about this movie, so it was really just the villain that paled. Tell me this was the best they could do with the mandarin and I'll show you 15 other villains the MCU has improved.

CA: TFA I honestly don't know how to fix this one. But it sits low on my list so something should have happened differently. Probably another 1940s installment in order to take more time to flesh out Red Skull and Cap's origin.

Age of Ultron add about 10-15 minutes of screen time. slow down the plot. give us time to digest and give a damn about Ultron's plan. fix that silly thor pool scene. Some mention of Pym.

Some minor changes to Iron Man 2, Black Panther and Captain Marvel would also be appreciated.

To be quite honest though this wouldnt make the series "PERFECT" it would just make it that much closer. Marvel/Disney consistently surprises me and awes me with how close to perfect theyve gotten. So I'm not really complaining.
-Cast Rebecca Ferguson as Black Widow.

-Almost all the movies would have better color grading, specifically deeper blacks.

-Captain America: The First Avenger would be shot on film. Bucky's death would be given more attention. Red Skull / Cap's power levels would be more impressive in the final fight.

-The climax of Civil War would have been about differing ideologies, not just Cap defending Bucky from Stark's emotional outburst of revenge.

-Infinity War would waste less time on the Gamora scenes.

Thor 1 and 2 would have more action, more grit and less human drama. They are the low points and I have every reason to believe they would be the first things that needed to change. Perhaps even a bit more twisty, less obvious plot direction. Jane Foster becomes Enchantress?

Iron Man 3 was a disappointment. I honestly think that there was so much good about this movie, so it was really just the villain that paled. Tell me this was the best they could do with the mandarin and I'll show you 15 other villains the MCU has improved.

Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 are definitely the bottom of the list.

There are so many Iron Man villains that would have been a better choice than Aldrich Killian, much as I rate Guy Pierce as an actor. It was Ben Kingsley who saved that film.

Thor 2 would have benefited from more Thor and less Jane Foster.
As much as I like the MCU and think some of the films are damn near perfect, I've done a fair bit of thinking about how it could've been even better.

My biggest complaints about the MCU are
  • Portraying Spider-Man as an out of his depth rookie who relies on an Iron Man suit and dreams of being an Avenger.
  • The mishandling of Thor in his first two films and then again in Endgame.
  • Ultron as a weirdly humourous villain who didn't feel like a major threat.
  • Making Endgame a messy time travel story.
  • The Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3 and Tony's suits falling apart every 5 minutes in that film.
Here's what I'd change:

  • A brief Thor vs Odin fight before he's banished would've been awesome
  • Thor's arc from arrogant warrior to worthy should've taken a lot more than spending a weekend with Jane and friends in New Mexico. Have him spend a years powerless on earth, have the Destroyer attack earth multiple times, have the mortal Thor injured Donald Blake style etc
Iron Man 3:
  • Have the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) as the actual villain, with Aldrich Killian and Maya Hansen as his weapons dealers.
  • Have Tony use an Iron Man suit that doesn't fall apart every 5 minutes.
  • Tony hacks extremis and destroys it to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
Thor: The Dark World:
  • Rework Malekith to give him the manic personality and sorcery he has in the comics. Ecclestone's a great actor, he just needed more to work with.
  • Less time on earth, instead give the places we get to visit in the 9 realms more personality (Svartelheim, Vanaheim). Have Malekith reclaim leadership of the Dark Elves after his millennia in hiding.
  • Make Thor vs Kurse a more spectacular fight where Thor uses his skill/lightning rather than brawling.
  • Have Thor defeat Malekith by using the convergence to summon a storm from across the Nine Realms (the originally planned ending).
Age of Ultron:
  • Make Ultron a far more serious and intelligent villain and humorless to contrast with Loki. Hype him up as a threat by having him hack into the world's infrastructure and bring it to a halt. Give him multiple vibranium bodies so that he can believably threaten the Avengers heavy hitters.
  • Ditch the "Thor wades into a pool and has a vision of Infinity Stones" scene. Instead, he goes to Asgard and Odin (Loki) warns him that AIs have wiped out civilisations before and tells him about the mind stone.
Civil War:
  • Instead of having Spidey suckered into joining team Stark, set the airport fight in New York and have Spidey see it on the news, skip school and rush to help. He doesn't know about the Sokovia accords, tries to take down Bucky because of what he's heard about the Geneva bombing and then loses to Cap.
  • Spidey recovers in time to catch Rhodey to reduce the impact of his fall. It makes Rhodey surviving more realistic, gives Iron Man an instant connection with Spidey and letting Peter escape the airport even though he hasn't signed the accords fits into Tony's Civil War arc pretty well.
  • Nick Fury shows up in Peter's bedroom as a post-credit scene, gives him a more professional looking SHIELD made suit (no AI or anything crazy but give it the moving eyes) and says he'll try to keep the Sokovia accords off his back as long as he keeps to his own neighbourhood.
  • Give us a more competent, wise cracking version of Spidey. He's still in his teens and somewhat naive but the film should've showed off his amazing powers (including a spider sense) more, let him win the fights against powerless thugs, survive his first encounter with Vulture by using the webs he invented, have him save bystanders when Shocker's throwing school buses around etc.
  • Peter disappearing all the time should have more consequences for his school/personal life. He and May talk about it and how they're both still mourning Uncle Ben.
  • This version of Spidey gets by without a Stark suit and isn't looking to join the Avengers but Iron Man still shows up to save the day in the Ferry scene. Turns out Tony's been keeping tabs on Spidey since Civil War. They have a conversation about why Peter does what he does, how old he is and why he wears the mask. Tony's impressed Peter invented the webbing.
  • No ridiculous "stealing Flash's car" scene, switch it out for some web swinging.
  • Instead of a finale preventing Vulture robbing the Avengers (pretty low stakes), Spidey stops Vulture shipping weapons to Hydra/Ten Rings.
  • If this is meant to be a tribute to classic high school movies then how about giving Spidey a Ferris Bueller style race home to prevent May figuring out his secret. He thinks it worked but it's revealed to the audience that she knows and is waiting for him to tell her.
  • Give us a J Jonah Jameson post credit scene.
  • Remove the joke where Korg says they can rebuild Asgard only for it to blow up completely. I love the overall comedic tone but that joke undercut a dramatic moment.
Infinity War:
  • Show us the Thor and the Asgardians vs power stone Thanos and the Black Order fight on screen.
  • Instead of Peter being blase with his secret identity Tony and Strange find out Peter's identity on Maw's ship when he's almost blown into space and instinctively takes off his mask to breath. The fact he panics about them knowing he's Peter Parker (therefore telling them his name) because they've seen his face is played for laughs.

Captain Marvel

  • Instead of giving Carol amnesia, have her taken in by Kree lies and then see through them. Set more of the film away from earth.
  • Fury doesn't lose his eye because an alien cat scratched him. Either come up with a more badass way for it to happen that lives up to his "last time I trusted someone I lost an eye" line from Winter Soldier or don't show it happening.
  • Make the Skrulls a little more morally ambiguous to set up Secret Invasion.
  • Tony and Nebula get back to earth because Tony fixes the ship. This is the guy who built his first Iron Man suit in a cave, with a box of scraps. He shouldn't need rescuing.
  • Tony visits Aunt May and they mourn Peter together. We get an Ultimate comics style "he was going to be the best of us" line.
  • The Avengers track down Thanos in his garden but with the completed gauntlet he beats them in a spectacular fight (Stormbreaker Thor, enraged Hulk, Captain Marvel etc). Instead of killing them, he destroys five of the stones in front of them to remove temptation and then disappears with the space stone.
  • Years later, the Avengers learn the stones can't truly be destroyed and are reappearing. Instead of a wacky time travel story, we get a cosmic race to gather the stones.
  • After the final battle, the world is reset to years earlier just before the snap happened with only the Avengers remembering and Tony dying to make it happen. Then Thor kills 2018 Thanos by going for the head. This way every MCU character from here on in doesn't have a backstory where they spent 5 years not existing or 5 years in a post-apocalyptic nightmare.
  • Captain Marvel gets an arc of learning she can't win every fight alone.
  • Banner gets an arc of turning himself into the Doc Green/Nerd Hulk so that he can undo the snap.
  • Thor doesn't get fat but he does become depressed and needs to believe in himself as worthy again. He uses the reality stone to summon Mjolnir and eventually proves himself.
  • Black Widow survives so her solo film doesn't have to be a prequel.
  • The Infinity Watch is formed at the end of the film to protect the stones. Cap takes the time stone into the past to be with Peggy.
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How would I do it? Hmm... that's a difficult question. Honestly, like others have already said, I would keep it largely the same. I think Kevin Feige has done a great job as the architect of the MCU. I would probably keep the movie slate the same, since Marvel did such a great job overall with the Infinity Saga, I feel. Not being any sort of film creative, I wouldn't have the confidence to change the overarching story to something else and feel it'd succeed.

That said, I would make efforts to create better versions of the films: The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World, and maybe Iron-Man 2 and 3. I do have an amateur interest in how movies are made- everything from writing, to cinematography, to effects (I watch any special features I can)- and one of the things I've learned is how difficult it is to make a good movie, given how many moving parts there are. And then there's the dreaded studio interference we all know about. So ultimately, I don't know what concrete efforts I would make to cause these changes.

Visually, I would make some changes. I would definitely improve the color grading from the start. Add in some true black to the scenes. And something I've thought about from the beginning is making each movie more... distinct. Don't get me wrong- I love that they're in the same universe and we as an audience can tell, but they all just seem to have the same "look" to me- maybe like they're all working in the same color palette or something? I don't know. It just seems like the non-MCU movies are more visually distinct: compare the first Spider-Man and X-Men. A part of me just wishes that the movies had different "artists", like the comics do. I'm having a hard time articulating this point, so I'll cut it off here.

Lastly, I would do something about the film and television divide. Maybe I would've brought the characters over to the movies. Maybe I would've even rather have no shows at all. I just know I don't like how it all went down. Like Bob Iger said, "There shouldn't be two Marvels."

Well, that's all I can think of- for now at least.
I would not have whitewashed away American racial history by having an integrated SSR and USO shows in The First Avenger. Steve Rogers would have fought Jim Crow just as he did the Nazi wing of Hydra.

Tony Stark would have encountered the real, alien tech ring powered Mandarin
I don't know if it's perfect, but I think it's actually likely that Marvel Studios would've started with Spider-Man first to get the universe off with a bang. Then build around him. Just due to their popularity maybe the X-men then Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man. Probably Fantastic Four as well.

And you know what, it's very possible it would've not been as good if they had all the rights at the start. I think a lot of the reasons the MCU has been so successful both commercially and critically is because they were forced to work with their B-List and even C/D-List characters. It kept them humble and forced them to ensure to do good character work because the names alone aren't powerful enough to put butts in the seat. Who's to say that if they had Spider-Man from the start, they wouldn't have overindulged themselves and he be too much of the focus much like Wolverine was early in the Xmen Fox franchise. Maybe Cap and Iron Man dont even get a chance to expand their popularity and be the A-Listers they are now because Marvel Studios keep sticking with their heavy hitters.
I would not have whitewashed away American racial history by having an integrated SSR and USO shows in The First Avenger. Steve Rogers would have fought Jim Crow just as he did the Nazi wing of Hydra.

Tony Stark would have encountered the real, alien tech ring powered Mandarin

I mean, Agent Carter kind of touches upon racial discrimination in its second season, if that counts since it's so tied to The First Avenger.
It would be the same but Iron Man would be played by Bam Margera
I mean, Agent Carter kind of touches upon racial discrimination in its second season, if that counts since it's so tied to The First Avenger.
I would say that it was a big part of the second season while it was again ignored in the first season of Agent Carter with nobody taking notice of a black man openly flirting with an undercover Peggy
In a perfect world, a universe structured around the idea the Fantastic Four are at the center of what goes on, something that mirrors the beginnings of Marvel comic books coming into prominence.

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