What's better? To have loved and lost...


Jun 9, 2003
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What's better? To have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?

In other words is experiencing love and feeling the pain of losing it better than never experiencing love. And before you answer think about what it feels like to lose someone you loved.

Try it. :mad:
You're almost asking wether it's better to live or kill yourself. Just live, just love, we all have to lose but that's life.
No. It's more like asking if that first shot of heroin(greatest feeling ever) is worth the painful withdrawl later.
it's always worth it
the hurting and pain and agonizing despair that comes after the loss might be overwhelming, but it does help in the end to help becoming whole
and it teaches you a lot in terms of what to do and what not to do in further similar instances
so, yes, it's better
Better to have and lose, because in reality we can't keep anything. You'll be on your death bed before you know it, and at that point all you'll have are memories as you look back on your life.
I can't imagine having lived my life never experiencing love....definitely better to have loved and lost.

It can be applied to some of my old best friends....they may not be my friends anymore, and it sucked losing them as friends, but I'm glad that I had those relationships to begin with.

Of course there are different levels of love and loss, but I still think I'd rather have experienced something than nothing.
I'm not sure.

When it comes to losing people you love by death, I'd say better to have loved and lost. You're the better for having known them and you have good memories to keep.

I'm not sure if I can say the same of losing a love because they hurt you/break your heart - espeically if it's through a betrayal. In my experience, that ends up tainting all of the good things that came before, so there's no 'good' left in it, and you really feel you would have been better off in the long run if you'd never encountered the person.
Daisy said:
I'm not sure.

When it comes to losing people you love by death, I'd say better to have loved and lost. You're the better for having known them and you have good memories to keep.

I'm not sure if I can say the same of losing a love because they hurt you/break your heart - espeically if it's through a betrayal. In my experience, that ends up tainting all of the good things that came before, so there's no 'good' left in it, and you really feel you would have been better off in the long run if you'd never encountered the person.

That's a good point Daisy....for most people in that situation, all they would remember is the point of heartbreak, not all the good times before that. The question is, once your life is almost over, would you then look back and realize that the experience was good for you because you learned an important life lesson somehow?
AndThePickles said:
That's a good point Daisy....for most people in that situation, all they would remember is the point of heartbreak, not all the good times before that. The question is, once your life is almost over, would you then look back and realize that the experience was good for you because you learned an important life lesson somehow?

It's not just not remembering the good times, it's that the good times seem somehow 'tainted' because the person wasn't who you thought they were and didn't feel for you the way you believed they did.

Truthfully, my hope is that as I near the end of my life, I'll have had a life that has been filled with so many good experiences that I won't look back on that one at all.

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