First job I had was at the movie theater. Started out with the concession stand, then did floor stuff.
Both were equally bad. By far the worst job I ever had.
I try to be very pleasant to the concession workers, because from everything I've heard that job SUCKS. Actually, it's a good job for teenagers...if they start out with a ****** job, they'll appreciate their education and future jobs that are far better.
...or they'll just burn out.
Let's see....the worst job I've ever had would have to be an under-the-table job I took a couple of weekends during high school: assisting hunting dog trials.
These dogs are trained to fetch fowl after they've been shot down by the owner/master. These dogs are fast and smart, and actually fun to watch. The ****** part was having to handle a huge sack of dead ducks (some freshly shot).
Well, that wasn't the ONLY ****** part. When I had to plant the blind (that is, as the dog was on its way back from the OBVIOUS duck locations, I would HIDE a duck in grass and SPRINT back to my hunting blind) I'd get exhausted after number 10. Too bad I had to do it 90 times in big, clunky boots.
The WORST part of that job was "working the line." Those freshly shot ducks? Yeah. They didn't always die. So after the dog brings them back half dead, they'd get unceremoniously thrown at my feet, writhing in agony and feebly trying to quack. My job? Snap their necks. The problem? I was inexperienced.
So there I am, trying desperately to kill the ****ing thing WITH MY BARE HANDS as it's practically BEGGING to die, loaded with freaking buckshot, and I keep messing up.
The pay was awesome, though.