Well...okay, maybe not since the BEGINNING of time, but it's been going on for a long time.
Curious about this, I've gone through to try to find the first time Spidey was pictured with a ripped mask on the cover of a comic...
Unless I'm missing an issue, it doesn't seem to happen until Amazing Spider-Man #342:
And here, it's nothing more than a tear in his hair.
The next occurance of ripped-masked Spidey on a cover seems to be AMZ #432...again being nothing more than a couple tiny tears that show nothing of his face.
Wow...okay, so it looks like the first time we ever really get a good shot of Pete's expressions while wearing the mask on the cover of an "Amazing Spider-Man" title is not until #259 (Vol. 2 #18).
Color me suprised to see it took so long for this to happen on his flagship title!
This appears to be the only times we've seen Spider-Man with his mask on, with the mask torn, and not while Peter is transformed, in the history of "Amazing Spider-Man", unless I missed one somewhere...wow...thought it would be much more than that!