What's with this dude walking a tight rope across the Grand Canyon?


Apr 23, 2005
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Right now on Discovery Channel. Apparently he's got no nets or nothing to save him if he falls.

Things I could never do.
Have you seen 'Man on Wire' about the French dude who tight-rope walked between the two WTC towers?

I don't know. Some guys get a thrill from the risk of death I guess.
Is... is it wrong that I hope something bad happens? It IS live after all....
OMG I was watching it but they keep spinning around him and I'm getting dizzy as hell.
Have you seen 'Man on Wire' about the French dude who tight-rope walked between the two WTC towers?

I don't know. Some guys get a thrill from the risk of death I guess.

That's one of the most interesting documentaries I've ever seen.
The worst part is, if he falls, that camera he's wearing will capture every graphic detail.
I was reading about this in the paper today, the guy said he's convinced that about 1/3 of viewers are watching just to see if he screws it up. Apparently his family have been doing high wire stunts for 200 years or so. According to that same article, this is the same fellow who crossed the Niagara Falls on a wire. The ratings in Canada were second only to the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics. Apparently they had to go through quite a bit of kerfuffle in order to do the Grand Canyon walk without a safety wire.

Not my cup of tea either, risking life and limb for ratings or thrills. Sounds to me like this fellow has a long family tradition, so it obviously means a bit more to him than it would the rest of us. Still, I'd be willing to break family tradition rather than my neck.
Sometimes insanity has no limits.
^ I agree. Just some things I'm not gonna do no matter how much you pay me.

Like that guy who jumped from space...

He made it across.
its a 2 1/2 hour show for the guy to walk across for 2 minutes saying "thank you jesus, oh jesus lord thank you, praise jesus" the entire time...:doh:

I'm a Christian...and I'll pass....



Nik Wallenda defies death with successful tightrope walk over ‘Grand Canyon’
‘King of the High Wire’ takes ‘life or death’ walk over 1,500-foot drop, but it was actually over Little Colorado Gorge; it was dramatic nevertheless
its a 2 1/2 hour show for the guy to walk across for 2 minutes saying "thank you jesus, oh jesus lord thank you, praise jesus" the entire time...:doh:

I'm a Christian...and I'll pass....



Nik Wallenda defies death with successful tightrope walk over ‘Grand Canyon’
‘King of the High Wire’ takes ‘life or death’ walk over 1,500-foot drop, but it was actually over Little Colorado Gorge; it was dramatic nevertheless

More like 22 minutes, but yea.

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