that could be a good thing when trying to attract the ladies.I think my feet are to big.
with Lubriderm you can go from Ashy to Classy.Dry skin.
my name is inigo montoya you killed my father prepare to diesix fingers on one hand.........................only kidding!
hawt.:heart:my name is inigo montoya you killed my father prepare to die
that doesnt sound like an invitation for flaming at all....i have pimples on my face, and a have a small mole on the side of my face. i don't have as many pimples as i used to have. it sucks being a teenager sometimes
my hair is also very very dry, my friends joke around and say i have black people hair. if i straighten it it feels softer.
that doesnt sound like an invitation for flaming at all....
wow?i think my worst feature has to be my hips, or those pelvic bone things at your waist. they just stick out and it's bloody annoying cause my belt catches on them and rubs them and after a while it hurts.