Where do i go next? [Batman]


Jun 21, 2001
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I have always liked Batman, but have not followed the comics very well. I own several of the graphic novels [killing joke, all three knightfalls, death in the family red rain, long halloween, hush vol. 1 and 2, and dark victory], and my question is ... where do i go from here? I want to check out the No Man's Land graphic novels, are they worth it? How about the Batman vs. Predator novels? I have read up on a lot of reviews, but i don't know who to trust because one guy tore up long halloween and dark victory, but I loved them.

I know specifically I am looking for continuation of the Selina/Bruce or Batman/Catwoman love story. It took a pretty grim turn in Dark Victory and I want to know how it goes. I am also interested in delving into Selina's story of her being the daughter of one of the big mob bosses.

So, there you have it. Any suggestions?
I am also interested in delving into Selina's story of her being the daughter of one of the big mob bosses.
That's covered in Catwoman: When in Rome I believe.

As for other good Batman stuff...

Year One
Dark Knight Returns
Broken City

(All Star is good if you don't mind that it's not really Batman. But it is great crazy nutso hilarious.)

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