Wolfman can save Nightwing. I disagree that Dixon understands him better than Marv. Marv: 1. Let the character of Dick Grayson develop as Robin in New Teen Titans; 2. Developed the persona of Nightwing through its creation until the end of his run on the New Titans title; 3. Wrote the best Dick Grayson story of all time with Batman: Year Three. Don't get me wrong, Dixon wrote a GREAT Nightwing, but NOONE compares with Wolfman.jaydawg said:I don't know, but its time someone brought him back. No one understood Nightwing better than him. And his run on Robin was pretty good too. Jesus, OYL may have fixed Batman, but its ****ed everyone else related to him.
I can't tell you how excited this has gotten me. The only thing that would make it slightly better is if instead of Jurgens (who does completely rock) it were Perez (who is god) doing the pencilsHarlekin said:Well, luckily, we're gonna get a four-issue Marv Wolfman arc on Nightwing with a possibility for more. That should restore Nightwing to his glory, and he's the one that really understands Nightwing.
Not Jake said:SHUT UP YOU GUYS Whedon could write about Methuselah and it would be good. He has never done anything wrong in his life let alone write anything poor. One time he touched a blind women and she turned into a SEEING MAN. When Whedon eats Grape-Nuts he poops out Corn Pops and you know you gotta have those.