P.S. AS for the versus, I like both. I think I slightly prefer Bale's as it is more rounded to what the post-crisis Batman is. I think he nails the Bruce/Alfred relationship better and gets the Batman moral code better (as Burton, as with Kane's original, did not really have one) and just the way he moves and acts screams the more modern, TAS-styled Batman.
But Keaton brought something interesting to the table. He was far more obsessive than Bale's and bordered on insane. I'd actually say he gets both Kane's better and the beloved "Dark Knight" (aka Miller's batman) a little better. On top of that I like how his Wayne doesn't always act the clown in public and his stare is penetrating. Bale's glares and looks in the Batman suit are full of rage and pent up anger and frustration being released. Keaton's was otherworldly and piercing. You had no idea how far he would go, he was just so "in the zone" as to being Batman he became an omnipotent force not of nature like Bale but of being. His Batman really was probably nuts, but since he uses his psychosis for good we can accept that. Batman is rather the shield and creation by Bale to keep himself from becoming insane. Bale's Batman is an extension of giving his life purpose and Bruce Wayne is allowed to exert his true self in the bat-suit. Keaton has really two separate personalities and when the suit is on, he is Batman and not an extension of Bruce Wayne, but rather who has been since his parents died. His Bruce Wayne is just Batman waiting to be let out, while Batman is Bale's way of expressing his true self to the world beyond just Alfred.
They are two very different interpretations, and I appreciate and like both. I'd also add that again while I prefer Bale's as it is closer to how I imagine Batman normally, Keaton has hands down the better Batman voice.