I'm watching the 2006 era cartoon and it's actually pretty good if you give it a chance and don't compare it to JLU. Think of it as a comedy with some action in it and it works better. It's not as bad as the movies it was loosely based around.
FF2 the movie was reportedly underwhelming for Fox so I will be surprised if we get a FF3 at all. Which may be for the best.
Frankly, the Four face the same dilemma as Superman; they were so trend setting for their time that every single franchise under the sun in some way has taken what made them work and refined it, and they got lost in the dust. They are a very hard franchise to do; they have to be light without being too much so, but have some serious moments. There is less "realism" than in some franchises. And before anyone mentions THE INCREDIBLES, yes, that was an homage, but it was not the same and of course it is easier to homage something with new characters in a new universe. Plus, the villain for that, Syndrome, wasn't supposed to be taken 100% seriously anyway.
Agreed on all accounts.
I happen to love the recent cartoon. Some of the designs are bothersome... Johnny's hair, MoleMan...
But, it's a fun, big, loud cartoon that captures the FF in a respecable manner.
I happen to really like ROTSS, but am not at all blind to its many, many flaws. But, it's justified to put this series to rest for awhile.
Because, as you said... and I am in complete agreement... like Superman, the FF are originators of the genre, in terms of the iconic elements of not only the characters, themselves, but also how their respective books revolutionized the medium.
And, since everything that's come after has borrowed... and 'enhanced' (open to interpretation... I think everything after FF is weak in comparison... but, I know a lot of people find their concept tired and old) them to the point where they have been "left in the dust".
I remember after the 2004 film, I was at a convention, and I was asking some really young kids if they liked the movie and they said it was a ripoff of X-Men...
There's been too much time and too many characters and books between FF blowing everyones' minds in the 60's and the overload of extreme, flashy stuff that passes as popular, now.
Even when the characters are treated with reverence by younger, mainstream audiences, it's the sort of reverence reserved for a grandpa, who fought in 3 wars, rather than the cool cousin you wish you could be, which is sad.
I, personally think there is nothing better than the FF.
Which is why I am both in love with the films... because I'd rather have something than nothing at all... and as upset as everyone else with the things in those films that missed the mark by so much.
But, audiences these days aren't so nostalgic... and therefore, are not so forgiving.