The movie simply has no vision or sense of importance.
Fantastic Four could have been a great epic, with Doom making plots to conquer Earth, and out-of-this-world fantasy scifi. Instead, it was more like a mediocre sitcom. Instead of being an origin movie about the making of a hero (like
Batman Begins or
Spider-Man), it was a movie about a bunch of people who get powers and then goof around the whole time. For a supposed superhero action movie, it is surprisingly without action. There is
one fight in the entire movie, and it was very brief and not exactly mind-blowing. Before that, the supposed heroes make a mere ONE rescue. That's it.
The biggest problem is the portrayal of Doom, who is basically Doom In Name Only (DINO). A character who is supposed to be powerful and majestic, Marvel's premiere supervillain, and the comic equivalent of Darth Vader was turned into some petty corporate jerk who got mutant powers.

DINO was a disgrace. The scene where he gets ousted by his own corporate board was completely ripped off from Norman Osborn in
Spider-Man. And besides a couple of his board members and the FF themselves, DINO threatened NOBODY. The character had no plot, ambitions, or power. He was simply mad at Mr. Fantastic for taking his girl, and tried to personally off the members of the FF. DINO looked like a low-level thug assassin, and not the monarch he is in the comics, when he picked up a missile launcher and tried to shoot Johnny himself (both DINO's and the FF's headquarters were within eye sight of each other

). DINO was less supervillain and more like the FF's mean next door neighbor. If his fight with the FF hadn't spilled out onto the streets, the world wouldn't have even KNOWN about him. And what was the point of having him get shipped off to Latveria at the end? Was that supposed to placate the fans? The character was already damaged goods by then. Why didn't they just do Doom right from the start?
FF isn't
horrible in that you can watch it and be at least a little entertained, instead of squirming in your seat waiting for it to end. However, the movie is full of flaws, and it could have, and SHOULD have been a lot better. As it is, FF is completely forgettable sitcom fluff.