"Cringe-Worthy" is just another word that means someone doesn't like the tone. What some person might find cringe-worthy, others might find charming and adorable.
And I don't expect movie quality effects or acting in a TV show. Smallville was equally cheap, tacky, and forced. It was basically just a teen soap opera. I think Riverdale does it better."
hahaha! By this logic you can say that about anything. The fact is it doesn't work that way. The act of murder isn't charming or adorable just cuz a few think it might be. You know what I mean? If you enjoy killing its cuz you enjoy the rush/power of murder whether you find it adorable or not.
Same thing. If you like cringe-worthy and cheesy stuff, its not cuz its adorable or charming its cuz you enjoy cheese. Cheese can be both those things doh.
Theres nothing wrong with enjoying it but not being able admit it, thats a problem.
I like Batman & Robin. ITs totally corny and alot of Schwarzenegger's dialog is the stuff that cheese is made out of but it entertains the hell out of me. For me this movie is an exception but I can still acknowledge it for being all the bad things people say it is. It doesn't make me enjoy it any less.
Its not a guilty pleasure for me like some might call it cuz I don't feel guilty for enjoying things I take pleasure from.
That's just a warped concept in my mind. The same way sarcasm is, especially when its written hahaha! I just don't get it.
What makes them distinct is execution. A show like Smallville was both charming and adorable and yes like a teen soap opera but it managed to do it without being cheesy. Granted there were cheesy moments but that tone wasn't carried on thru out the show like it is in Supergirl or Flash. Nothing felt forced on the show or tacky. Everything kind of evolved naturally until the later seasons but still everyone had great chemistry with each other, nothing really felt too outta place, terribly cheap(especially for the time) or awkward. I can't say the same about the Flash or Supergirl but I enjoy the Flash mainly for the cool FX and some of the story telling. I think the first season was quite good at that despite being purposely cheesy, it works with the way the show is handled. Legends of Tomorrow handled their cheese well too.
I wouldn't know, I don't watch Riverdale but I'm sure I'd probably disagree. I just don't think you really have a sound grasp on certain concepts. Or have a problem with seeing things as they are. Especially with the way you dismiss words as if they shouldn't have merit cuz they're just "other" words. haha! Words have meaning and I say what mean.