Wild Buffalo Chases Kid, Parent Laughs

Well, it was kinda funny. I don't have kids so I don't really have a reference point regarding humor and children.
I have children. And I would never put my children in harms way. A Bison is a HUGE animal. Very powerful. Did I mention it's a WILD animal as well? Unpredictable. That means dangerous. These parents should be spayed and neutered.
I have children. And I would never put my children in harms way. A Bison is a HUGE animal. Very powerful. Did I mention it's a WILD animal as well? Unpredictable. That means dangerous. These parents should be spayed and neutered.

In total agreement, that Bison could have got hurt!
I laughed

But they should be more careful...that Bison could have tripped on something.
In total agreement, that Bison could have got hurt!

Well just saying, the video is a little biased... they really did not show why the parents were laughing.

The parents convinced the kid that the Bison was a cow... Anyway wants they noticed the kid left there side to go milk it, things got out of hand.
I wouldn't have let my kids near a wild Bison. Especially this one

All Joking aside,, this really is beyond messed up
In hindsight I would probably have crapped myself if a bison was chasing me in an open area with no doors or things to climb.
Stupid parents, stupid kids. And how about the female reporter referencing Seinfeld, totally butchering Costanza's name! Costanius?
Yeah, I heard that too. She obviously wasnt a Seinfeld fan. I'm sorry, a Seinfield fan.
Comedy show, with @-h parent
Sponsored by Bison energy drink

That parent has irrational affection for anime jokes or training or stuff? That one needs serious therapy
Video lags badly, couldn't watch it
"Mom, Dad....help me!!!"

"Hehehe....run, *****, run!!!"
I guess it's sort of funny when watching the video, I imagine it would be a completely different story if I was there.

So yeah, the parent is an ass and that bison is no quirky dog trying to play with the kid.
The parent was a total ignoramus for allowing a kid get close to a wild animal.
Id be scared out of my mind if a bison was chasing me
Is it weird that I'm more irritated about the anchorwoman ****ing up the name Costanza? :o
On this board, no.
The kids and parents were all idiots. Nobody should ever try to antagonize a bison. I think we can all agree on that.

However, nobody actually got hurt, so I think it was kinda funny.
To quote Wheelie from ROTF, you're hot but you ain't too bright.

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