Age of Extinction Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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I thought all of the Bay Transformers movie are terrible. Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?
Probably not for a long time. Give it another 20 years or so for a reboot.
I thought all of the Bay Transformers movie are terrible. Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?

Transformers 1 was a pretty enjoyable flick overall imo, and much better then a majority of summer blockbusters. ROTF and DOTM are pretty bad films but still have some extreme action set pieces I dont think you can see anywhere else.

I really think if Bay focused on more bot character development alot of fans would be happy for the most part. We shall see...
^Agreed, I think the first TF movie is very under-rated and is a great summer blockbuster in my eyes, it is a good movie.

The sequels certainly dont match it in terms of story-telling and heart, but they have some moments and set-pieces which are amazing to see, Optimus' forest fight in the 2nd movie and the battle of Chicago in the 3rd movie come to mind.
Yeah, The Forrest fight and the Dirllbot scene in DOTM are two of the coolest action sequences Ive seen.
I thought all of the Bay Transformers movie are terrible. Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?

There was a good Transformers movie already made. It was released back in the summer of 1986 and was animated.
Yeah, The Forrest fight and the Dirllbot scene in DOTM are two of the coolest action sequences Ive seen.

Definately, probably the 2 best action sequences in franchise. I also liked Bumblebee vs Rampage and Ravage in ROTF, and the car chase scene in DOTM.
I think its just a matter of them finding a better director.

That's one thing that has really dampened my enthutiasm for TF4. Even as someone who has enjoyed the past films, I think Bay's take on the franchise has really run its course, and they would've been better off bringing in some fresh blood.
There already has been. A good live action one? We'll see.
I think its just a matter of them finding a better director.

That's one thing that has really dampened my enthutiasm for TF4. Even as someone who has enjoyed the past films, I think Bay's take on the franchise has really run its course, and they would've been better off bringing in some fresh blood.

I dont know, I would only want a new director for a re-boot. While I have liked the 3 movies so far (though the first is by far the best), its safe to say Bay has created a bit of a mess of a universe. Many of the most popular TF's are dead with no chance of coming back.

I wouldnt want another director to take on that mess really, as it would hinder them story-wise. At the moment I sorta want Bay to stay for the next 3 movies, as I think handing it over to another director, even someone more talented, would restrict them greatly in were they wanted to go.
"Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?"

I doubt it. If the box-office receipts on these things are any indicator, audiences prefer their Transformers movies as ******ed and pandering as possible. So don't get your hopes up. Much as I wish the TF movie franchise had been treated like the MCU by the people who were making it, it's not gonna happen for the simple reason that studios are not likely to break from a moneymaking formula. As for the 1986 animated movie...I hesitate to call it "good". Important to the TF mythos, maybe.

For me, personally, the biggest steps toward improving the TF franchise would be to totally eradicate the lowbrow humor; do away with the Ancient Cybertronian MacGuffins in favor of a DIFFERENT kind of plot for once; and scale the number of robots back to manageable and affordable levels in order to ramp their screen time back up instead of just loading up on nameless cannon-fodder.
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There have been good films but so called fans are in my eyes too picky & immature. Other fans & movie going public obviously love them. Billions plus dollers. Plus it also goes that if you grew up with an older version(s) of a character ie; batman, star wars ,transformers, indy,tmnt, spiderman, die hard etc ''fans'' think and act like they are the ''true or real fans''. Plus most of the time have no idea what they are ''defending'' or talking about.
Honestly. All three Transformers movies were all good. It was just sadly, the critics trashed TF2 like crazy. I think people should be lenient on Michael Bay if directing the new Transformers movie. If not, why we even have critics in the first place
We had one good film, but it wasn't live action. I think once Bay steps down, and give it maybe 5-7 years we could have a good movie with a better director. I really hated how much military aspect of the films it was, felt more like B-Rated Sci Fi "Black Hawk Down"
I thought all of the Bay Transformers movie are terrible. Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?
You're funny.

Were you expecting a Citizen Kane and The Godfather? These aren't movies meant to be critical darlings but about giant alien robots kicking the crap out of each other and causing mass destruction, it's what people want to see on the big screen.

I loved the trilogy and I'm a life long TF fan since 1984 so I've seen the brand goes through it's ups and downs.
No, not while Bay is involved. I'm one of the few who didn't even enjoy the first one, I just saw more standard Bay **** with some familiar characters running around.

And contrary to what many believe, you can have a movie about giant robots fighting each other and destroying things and still have a good story. One does not preclude the other.
part 4 will be the best one yet since the fighter star mark wahlberg will be in it alongside irish actor jack reynor :yay: .
Honestly. All three Transformers movies were all good. It was just sadly, the critics trashed TF2 like crazy. I think people should be lenient on Michael Bay if directing the new Transformers movie. If not, why we even have critics in the first place

No, I would say the first and maybe the third had their merits, but the 2nd was awful.

Let's not talk about the cheese for a second, but simply put, the second film meanders, so it has terrible pacing and major script issues. The first hour is useless. By the time you're introduce to the Fallen, it feels like an after-thought. The plot is uneven. It doesn't have to bet strong but it's just strung along.

Not only that, it's the one movie that the transformers really get sidelined. No bot has a real arc to speak of, the Autobots introduced in the first flim were barely featured, the new characters are just unlikable (the twins) and you're stuck with them for the entire second act while Prime is 'out'.

It's overly long, directionless, aimless, and strangely boring.
There already has been. A good live action one? We'll see.

Are you referring to the 1986 animated film, Transformers: the Movie? If so, I agree with you. In terms of live action films, hopefully a faithful, well-made adaptation will happen in a few years.
I thought all of the Bay Transformers movie are terrible. Will there ever be a good Transformers movie?

In my opinion, the '86 animated film was well-made.

Nevertheless, with regards to the live action Transformers films, I have only seen the 2007 film (from my perspective 2 1/2 stars) and Revenge of the Fallen (0 stars). Concerning Dark of the Moon, I have only seen clips, and I'd rather not go into an overdramatic rant dissecting the flaws of the film.

I'm familiar with the plot of the film, as well as some cinematic decisions (from the director, writers, and/or producers) such as Sentinel Prime reusing Spock's dialog from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as well as major characters like Shockwave having only one line, "Optimus." I'll analyze a couple of other illogical points: how is Megatron able to reconfigure his body into a tanker truck, yet he still has a damaged head and it is still under repair? Strange. But that's enough on that.

In all honesty, I walked out on Revenge of the Fallen. There were some people talking in the movie theatre, so that was a good excuse that helped get a pass, which I used to see the remake of Pelham 1-2-3. I barely finished Revenge of the Fallen at a cheaper theatre, and it was torturous to watch.

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