Superman Returns Will your opinion of Singer change if you dislike Superman Returns?


Feb 7, 2006
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I believe Singer has a very good track record. Most of his films have grossed a significant sum at the box office, received high critical praise, appealed to most audiences, or a combination of some or all three.

Some people will love a director until he/she fails, in which case they turn against him/her and some may even imply they never liked the director (like a particular flannel-wearing filmmaker) in the first place.

Others may merely consider a director's failure to be a misstep and they still retain the overall feeling that the director is good at their job and still look forward to future projects from him/her.
no wtf it's just a movie come on
Just like your opinion of Joel Shumacher didn't change due to B&R Wes?

Singer is overrated anyway. The Usual Suspects is what stupid people watch to make themselves feel intelligent.
Yeah Solid you're taking this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously for a movie dude.
Matt said:
Just like your opinion of Joel Shumacher didn't change due to B&R Wes?

Singer is overrated anyway. The Usual Suspects is what stupid people watch to make themselves feel intelligent.

It's a good movie whether overrated or not.
explode7 said:
Yeah Solid you're taking this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously for a movie dude.



I think it's a valid question. Yeah, you're right. Prediction threads are so much more valid.
SolidSnakeMGS said:
I believe Singer has a very good track record. Most of his films have grossed a significant sum at the box office, received high critical praise, appealed to most audiences, or a combination of some or all three.

Some people will love a director until he/she fails, in which case they turn against him/her and some may even imply they never liked the director (like a particular flannel-wearing filmmaker) in the first place.

Others may merely consider a director's failure to be a misstep and they still retain the overall feeling that the director is good at their job and still look forward to future projects from him/her.
I always take a director's film one at a time. There is always a chance that a director will produce something that I might not enjoy. It happens. There are directors I am a fan of that end up disappointing me at some point. I don't really let it affect me that much. For example, I didn't really like ET, Always, or Amistad. And I think that Jurassic Park 2 was a misstep. But it doesn't change how I feel about Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, Jurassic Park or Close Encounters.

Inversely, when a director with a track record of movies I do not like makes a movie, I try to keep an open mind. And if I end up liking one film out of their ouevre, it doesn't change my dislike for their other disappointments.
Matt said:
Just like your opinion of Joel Shumacher didn't change due to B&R Wes?

Singer is overrated anyway. The Usual Suspects is what stupid people watch to make themselves feel intelligent.

No Joel's cool with me.

Singer is underrated. He made the x-men better than anyone could have and now brett ratner seems like he's screwed it up and thinks that all the snappy oneliners and pretty fx are going to save it. That could be the real batman and robin this year, not singer's movie. I still hope its good though but its not looking that way right now in my great opinion.
\S/JcDc\S/ said:
It's a good movie whether overrated or not.

Not really, the twist for the sake of a twist which everyone hails ruins it because it negates the entire plot.
Matt said:
Not really, the twist for the sake of a twist which everyone hails ruins it because it negates the entire plot.
And? Why is that a bad thing?
How about "no, because I have no specific opinion of him, and one movie won't change that"
What movie specifically do you like Matt?
No, I would still think he's a good filmmaker even if SR isn't that good. I really respect him for tackling such tough projects like X-Men and Superman. It's difficult imo to please both fanboys and the general audience. I like the movies I've seen from him so far (The Usual Suspects, X1, and X2). This is a seperate project so however it turns, it won't change my opinion of those movies.

This is such a difficult project to really nail. Every diehard fan seems to have their own individual interpretations of what the character should be (and some of us react very negatively if what we see deviates from that interpretation). Many in the general audience seem jaded when it comes to the character of Superman (they don't think he's "cool," some think he's outdated). To top it off people have seen amazing visual effects over the years at the movies. It takes alot to really wow people.

If SR turns out to be bad I will be dissappointed (I'll get over it) but, I do respect Singer for taking on the challenge of making a Superman movie. :up:
true316 said:
No, I would still think he's a good filmmaker even if SR isn't that good. I really respect him for tackling such tough projects like X-Men and Superman. It's difficult imo to please both fanboys and the general audience. I like the movies I've seen from him so far (The Usual Suspects, X1, and X2). This is a seperate project so however it turns, it won't change my opinion of those movies.

This is such a difficult project to really nail. Every diehard fan seems to have their own individual interpretations of what the character should be (and some of us react very negatively if what we see deviates from that interpretation). Many in the general audience seem jaded when it comes to the character of Superman (they don't think he's "cool," some think he's outdated). To top it off people have seen amazing visual effects over the years at the movies. It takes alot to really wow people.

If SR turns out to be bad I will be dissappointed (I'll get over it) but, I do respect Singer for taking on the challenge of making a Superman movie. :up:

Dude, nice summary. Well put :up:
Matt said:
Not really, the twist for the sake of a twist which everyone hails ruins it because it negates the entire plot.

Yeah, I can't believe I sat in a theater and watched some complete fabrication! It wasn't even real! How could someone make up something like that!


I'm glad to see some people won't change their opinion of him. I won't. I agree it was a tough subject to tackle. If I ever become a professional filmmaker (fingers crossed!), A Superman movie would be a dream project, but it would also be a nightmare project....knowutimean?
SolidSnakeMGS said:
I'm glad to see some people won't change their opinion of him. I won't. I agree it was a tough subject to tackle. If I ever become a professional filmmaker (fingers crossed!), A Superman movie would be a dream project, but it would also be a nightmare project....knowutimean?

Yeah, I feel the same way. Added to their inherent challenge of making a successful film, I would feel added pressure just because I'm such a big fan of the character. I would really want the film to succeed. If it didn't do well I would feel really bad. :(

On the positive side though, if I was director, I would definitely have a Superman costume made for me to take home. :D
Matt said:
Just like your opinion of Joel Shumacher didn't change due to B&R Wes?

Singer is overrated anyway. The Usual Suspects is what stupid people watch to make themselves feel intelligent.

skruloos said:
And? Why is that a bad thing?

Because it contradicts the rest of the movie, thats not a good twist. A good twist. Its not a twist for the sake of plot, its a twist for the sake of a twist.
Matt said:
Because it contradicts the rest of the movie, thats not a good twist. A good twist. Its not a twist for the sake of plot, its a twist for the sake of a twist.
It contradicts the rest of the movie? Not really. It's the point of the movie. The point of the movie is to entertain you with a story. And that's what the story does. It's not like they were telling one story and then all of a sudden decided to make it a lie and tacking on a twist. It was conceived from beginning to end to be that way. The plot the whole time is centered around the twist and what you think is the plot is just the movie doing it's job.
Matt said:
Because it contradicts the rest of the movie, thats not a good twist. A good twist. Its not a twist for the sake of plot, its a twist for the sake of a twist.

Only problem is you are in a minority here. Most critics, the public, and most film organizations view it as one of if not THE best twist in the history of cinema. I'm not saying its my particular view but that's the way it is. I'm curious though...what film do you believe did a better job?
Matt said:
Because it contradicts the rest of the movie, thats not a good twist. A good twist. Its not a twist for the sake of plot, its a twist for the sake of a twist.
You're just mad because they tricked you.:up:
Matt said:
Because it contradicts the rest of the movie, thats not a good twist. A good twist. Its not a twist for the sake of plot, its a twist for the sake of a twist.

You'd hate movies like Rashomon, Hero, and countless others that make an issue of messing with perception in such a way. BTW, most twists are for the sake of being a twist, or they wouldn't be a twist in the first place. If it's done well, it can serve the plot nicely, and The Usual Suspects does this.

The fact that you have such a strong emotion with the film means it did something right.

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