Wolverine Delayed?


Mar 13, 2005
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With all the time we’ve all spent lately obsessing over Justice League and Wolverine casting and script rumors, this bit of irony seems just about right. It looks like neither movie is getting made. At least not until after the Screen Actors Guild strike this summer.

I got an email tonight from a reliable friend in a position to know these things. And he tells me there’s a big cloud hanging over Wolverine and its start date. He says, “Apparently the movie Australia has taken up all the stages at Fox in Sydney, where Wolverine is meant to film, and they just can’t accommodate Wolverine at the moment. They’re going to have to push back Wolverine. So, from the sounds of it, Wolverine and Justice Leauge aren’t the pre-SAG strike films they’re meant to be.”


I suppose this is rather crappy news. But it will most likely still be released May 2009 whether it starts filming now or after June next year....
Fox Studios has eight sound stages. AUSTRALIA I believe is being filmed only on stage 7, and the movie is supposed to finally wrap either the end of November or beginning of December - Hugh's co-star Nicole Kidman said on Oct. 28 they had six weeks left of filming. So I don't know if I believe this story because of no room. Plus they can't start filming WOLVERINE without Hugh - six weeks from Oct. 28 ends on Dec. 7 (if the dates are to be taken literally). Perhaps Hugh is taking a few weeks off, and then the holidays roll around where filming usually stops anyway.

And this statement IMO makes no sense:

Apparently the movie Australia has taken up all the stages at Fox in Sydney, where Wolverine is meant to film, and they just can’t accommodate Wolverine at the moment.

Both movies star Hugh - so they can't start filming one when he's still filming the other!

And yes, there may be a SAG strike on July 1 which means no actors will be working. I think a director's strike also.
Update, even though it doesn't sound like CinemaBlend believes them. I say again, I've been following AUSTRALIA since the beginning, and it's scheduled to wrap end of November/beginning of December, and as far as I know, it's only using one soundstage - that was mentioned in one of the press releases.


Yesterday here we brought you the news that the upcoming Wolverine solo movie might be facing delays. Our sources told us that Baz Luhrman’s Australia was occupying all of Fox’s stages in Australia, where Wolverine is to shoot, and as a result the film might not get done before the SAG strike this summer, delaying it for the foreseeable future.

20th Century Fox took exception with our story, and contacted us to let us know that this isn’t true. Not exactly. Here’s what they told us about the future status of Wolverine:

“We are still planning to begin principal photography in January. We have every intention of keeping this on schedule. Australia is a Fox production as well, so we will work with that area of our production group as best we can to make both production schedules work (not to mention availablility of our star of both - Hugh Jackman).”

Note that they don’t exactly contradict our story. They do however sound committed to making it work, even if Australia’s ongoing production gets in the way. Whether or not it’ll work out that way, I guess we’ll have to wait till January and see if Wolvy starts shooting. Good luck Fox, I for one would love to see more of growling Hugh Jackman.

FYI - there was also a response in the original story which sounds like it's from the scooper:

JoshT Says:
November 20th, 2007 at 12:22
No salt grains needed for this one. My source is 100% legit. If he says this is what's going on, you can take it to the bank.
Ok, so it sounds like they are still shooting for the January 14th start, which to them is on schedule. If there are any delays at all I would say it would be related to the strike, and not the filming of Australia, as that has been filming since April as people have pointed out. Plus, Nicole is going to be starting massive promotion for The Golden Compass over the next week or so I assume, so she won't be available to do much throughout that.

We have been hearing for a while now about a January start, I guess Cinema Blend is just behind on that news. Fox never actually confirmed a start date on principal photography anyway, so it is only a delay in our eyes because we had seen earlier dates to begin with.
Ok, so it sounds like they are still shooting for the January 14th start, which to them is on schedule. If there are any delays at all I would say it would be related to the strike, and not the filming of Australia, as that has been filming since April as people have pointed out. Plus, Nicole is going to be starting massive promotion for The Golden Compass over the next week or so I assume, so she won't be available to do much throughout that.

We have been hearing for a while now about a January start, I guess Cinema Blend is just behind on that news. Fox never actually confirmed a start date on principal photography anyway, so it is only a delay in our eyes because we had seen earlier dates to begin with.
That's true about Nicole - she's scheduled to appear on the talk show "Regis & Kelly" on Friday, and then there's "The Golden Compass" premieres all next week in London, LA and NYC (I assume she's attending all of them) so not sure how that affects "Australia" filming - if they are just off or doing stuff without her. She also was in the US two weeks ago for a few days promoting her other movie "Margot at the Wedding" so she's been absent from the set a lot. If she didn't have all those promotions IMO the movie would have wrapped already. She also has another movie she has to start filming which originally was December but is now January.

Anyway, since Hugh has nothing to promote and has been filming this movie since April he's been very quiet - I'm hoping once "Australia" finally wraps he will give some sort of interview or soundbite about "Wolverine." January IMO makes sense since "Australia" won't wrap until the end of November/beginning of December and that will give Hugh a few weeks and then the holidays kick in, so filming hopefully will start right after that.
The flick doesn't come out until 2009, so any early delays prob won't hurt it anyway :up:
There is no impending SAG strike. Another example of the "Reliable friend/source" garbage.
Yes there is

No, SAG is throwing the idea out there to show solidarity to the WGA and their strike. It won't happen. The royalty issues that the WGA are striking over will be applied to SAG, as the studios will not be able to handle a second strike to halt production.
What the WGA doesn't (or won't) realize is that a SAG strike piggybacking on their strike will hurt them (the WGA) way more than it will hurt the SAG. The SAG strike will not be supported by WGA the way the WGA strike is being supported by SAG. Watch and see. The first people to whine about the SAG strike will be WGA.
Well according to the latest auction, filming will be happening in Sydney from March 2008, so it will more than likely begin (as originally planned) in New Zealand from Jan 14th and go through until the end of February there, then move to Sydney.
Well according to the latest auction, filming will be happening in Sydney from March 2008, so it will more than likely begin (as originally planned) in New Zealand from Jan 14th and go through until the end of February there, then move to Sydney.

That makes sense to me - a break for Hugh after he finishes filming "Australia" in the next few weeks, then the holiday break, and then the start of filming in New Zealand and then back to Australia. I would think the New Orleans leg would be last since Hugh has a movie to promote at the end of April (called "The List" - Maggie Q is in that one too!) and assuming filming is still going on and they finish the Australia filming, he could easily do the US talk shows, premieres, etc.
Hugh's co-star in AUSTRALIA, Nicole Kidman, is in London promoting her new movie and she said filming for AUSTRALIA finishes on December 21. So the January 14 start date sounds right to me.
I do think delays on AUSTRALIA have affected the filming dates, not only for Hugh but for Nicole as well. First we heard WOLVERINE would start Nov. 7, then it was Dec. 10, now it's Jan. 14. Nicole is doing another movie that's already filming but she was due on the set first in November, then December, now January. AUSTRALIA director Baz Luhrmann had said a few months ago that filming would be done in November. So there have obviously been delays on this movie that have affected the filming of WOLVERINE. This movie will have been filming for EIGHT MONTHS - it started at the end of April.
I think this could be just a rumor since stunt training and visual effect design have just officially started 2 weeks ago. However, pre-vis and story boards are done. Auditions were held in Australia for many key and supporting roles with local celebrities attending.

I know for a fact that there will be a major fight scene between logan - deadpool and logan - agent zero. However i wish someone could tell me what kind of powers these 2 have.

In my opinion, the movie will not be delayed.

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