Woo hoo!! Mexico decriminalizes drugs!!!


Jun 9, 2003
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Mexico's Congress approved a bill Friday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin for personal use.


Maybe we should rename Mexico "land of the free".
This is going to make things even more fun for border guards.
I salute you, Mexico. I think they just solved our immigration problem.
I can definatly understand the reasoning behind this. Obviously prohibition is not working in solving the drug problems of this world. Now they can spend their resources in not catching 'criminals' but helping those who have serious addictions to these drugs.

I hope Canada follows a similar lead in the near future, especially for Marijuana, which shouldn't even be lumped in the same group as Cocaine and Heroin.
Calvin said:
I salute you, Mexico. I think they just solved our immigration problem.

Yeah. Now Americans are going to immigrate to Mexico.

*packs bong in suitcase*
spring break in Cancun and Rocky Point is gonna be a whole lot more fun :up:
Legalizing marijauna is fine, but I think allowing heroin and cocaine is a big mistake.
Ecstacy being legal is just crazy awesome.
Leto Atrides said:
Legalizing marijauna is fine, but I think allowing heroin and cocaine is a big mistake.
It's still against the law to sell or supply drugs.

What's the point of locking up drug users anyway?
blind_fury said:
It's still against the law to sell or supply drugs.

What's the point of locking up drug users anyway?

Well if dealing is still illegal, that's fine. If people want to do it, it's their own problem.
Leto Atrides said:
Legalizing marijauna is fine, but I think allowing heroin and cocaine is a big mistake.

Yeah, I can get weed, and MAYBE Estacy, but coke and heroin is just f**kin' bulls**t. :down
blind_fury said:
It's still against the law to sell or supply drugs.

What's the point of locking up drug users anyway?

Exactly, their victims more than anything.
Don't pack your bags yet boys, I believe the president hasn't signed the bill yet.
but the sale is still illegal.

this bill is nothing. :rolleyes: just means less extorsion by cops.
Mr Sparkle said:
but the sale is still illegal.

this bill is nothing. :rolleyes: just means less extorsion by cops.
It's a step in the right direction. Eventually you will have "drug stores" where people can purchase drugs safely. Why buy drugs that could be mixed with some rat poison from a street dealer when you can buy the pure stuff from 7-11 for cheaper?
i think the only reason our government won't do the same and legalize "drugs" is because they can't make money from it... they can only make money from arresting people for doing it.
Now Americans will want to move to mexico

then we'll have mexicans wanting to live in mexico...
Big whoop. Maybe they'll stay on their side of the border now.
blind_fury said:
It's a step in the right direction. Eventually you will have "drug stores" where people can purchase drugs safely. Why buy drugs that could be mixed with some rat poison from a street dealer when you can buy the pure stuff from 7-11 for cheaper?

No the real wonder would be "Lite" versions of the drugs and people can use it in moderation. There is currently no incentive to smuggle in lower potency types.

Same way during alcohol prohibition people drinked more in one sitting because they didn't know when they could get another and drinked moonshine, more alcohol deaths during prohibition then any other time. Now we have extra light beers.

Less drug deaths and people can cut down on their own. No more hospital overdose patients taking up huge amounts of time.
Thankfully I took spanish in highschool! Woo-****in-HOO!! I'm thinkin about moving down there anyways.
Saddly, you cannot sell drugs here

The gov will do nothing, but the ****ing narcs will ****ing kill you.

I swear, not even Mexican Army can't contain those motha****ers with their granades, rocket launchers and stolen guns that make you piss yourself.

Narcotrafic is the bigger issue here. They can just shut all "drug stores" if they want and control the whole thing.

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