Would FOX be open to selling partial rights?


May 20, 2010
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Let's face it X-Men isn't coming back to Marvel Studios unless they back up Fort Knox to Rupert Murdoch's lawn, so I was thinking what if Marvel/Disney were to pay FOX to use a select bunch of characters and have DUAL ownership like they have with Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch.

I thought of a few that would be a good idea to go after, but would FOX be willing to work with Marvel?? List of characters I'd go after.

Storm for Black Panther film.
Nitro to set up possible Civil War
Sauron since Marvel has Ka-Zar
Alpha Flight
there's tons of others. What do you think??
It seems Marvel owns enough characters that Disney would wonder what's the point.

It should be a long time before Panther gets married, so no rush on Storm.

They should never do Civil War, but if the did I am sure some substitute for Nirto could be found.

Sauron would be cool in Ka-Zar.

I don't need to see Hulk fighting Wolverine.

I don't want to see Wolverine [or Spider-Man] anywhere near an Avengers movie.

The FF is the only Fox property that Marvel really needs...
Why would they even want to do that


Besides Marvel tried to work just such a deal last year remember? Daredevil for Galactus and Silver Surfer. Fox wanted no part of it.
Tom Hagen knew how to deal with studio execs. He could work this out.
They probably know once those rights go out, they won't comeback. They let Daredevil go because they knew Daredevil's not a franchise to them. Keeping it away from Marvel is as important as owning it. The only thing that would make them let go of the franchises is, well them completely tanking.
I think that a lot depends on the success, or lack thereof, of The Wolverine. If the film tanks, and I think it may, FOX executives are going to be very nervous about what looks like a very expensive DOFP follow up. The studio would like a full blown marketing push reminiscent of The Avengers, Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel. But so long as Marvel controls the film's merchandising, and has incentive to see the X films continue to decline at the box office, that won't happen.

Both Disney/Marvel and FOX may be to pigheaded to make it happen, but it would be in the best interest of both studios for FOX to offer Marvel the FF rights for a reasonable price, in return for supporting FOX's X films. I've long thought FOX would prefer a check from Marvel rather than dealing with the expense of putting the Negative Zone, a full CGI Thing and a dynamic Mr Fantastic onscreen. So there's definitely room for a deal to be made, if the two companies can put aside their current conflict.

As to sharing rights: Given the discomfort among the fan bases, and probably the studio executive officers regarding Wanda and Pietro, I think both FOX and Marvel would prefer to keep that as a rarity.
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Besides Marvel tried to work just such a deal last year remember? Daredevil for Galactus and Silver Surfer. Fox wanted no part of it.
exactly. Fox was actually more comfortable letting DD go than let MS use parts of the FF property. IIRC the deal would have been that FOX not only would have kept the rights to DD, for wich they already had a director and a few drafts of a scripts but MS would have paid money to regain Galactus and SS, two characters that FOX at that time had no intention to use since the FF reboot at that time was in very early stages.
FOX was not interested in that deal. I doubt they change their minds soon unless The Wolverine, DOFP and FF all fail miserably and Marvel properties are no longer considered profitable.
I think the important thing to realize, is that to Fox, the licenses *themselves* have value so long as someone else ( Marvel/Disney ) wants them. The big pay day opportunity isn't "make a big movie, rake in tons of money," its "Marvel/Disney finally breaks down and pays a ton to regain the rights." And that is why Fox wouldn't deal for FF characters; the very fact that Marvel was willing to grant significant extensions in exchange for a few characters showed which rights Marvel valued more.
They should only work for merchandise deals so the X-Men/Fantastic Four movies would be more successful. Merchandise helps!
I know this is a bit off topic, but I wasn't sure where to ask. I realize FOX owns the rights to Johnny Storm, but I was wondering where the rights to the original android Human Torch stood. I realize the MCU probably have no interest in this character - or any of the old Timely/Atlas (pre-Marvel) characters - but it brings up an interesting question. Particularly with Namor. Many posters seem to think FOX should own Sub-Mariner's rights, but he was actually created in 1939, and revamped in an early FF comic. Similar to the Human Torch. Just curious if anyone has any info on this situation.
They should only work for merchandise deals so the X-Men/Fantastic Four movies would be more successful. Merchandise helps!

Movies don't get made unless they can sell toys and other such stuff.

Feige is a genius at Marvel and knows what he is doing but he is one of the new breed in Hollywood. It's all market surveys and testings with very little of the good ol' shoot-from-the-hip and roll-the-dice swagger from the old days. Last guy to have any real gambler stones in H'wood was Bob Evans.

Sad really, but who knows. Maybe we'll get another old fashioned studio head who could shake up the CBM world and change things around.
I actually think the X-Men and Mutants work better in a world without 'superheroes'. I'd much rather have Spider-Man or the Fantastic Four be assimilated into the Marvel universe.
I actually think the X-Men and Mutants work better in a world without 'superheroes'. I'd much rather have Spider-Man or the Fantastic Four be assimilated into the Marvel universe.

THANK YOU! I've never understood the fans' hellbent idea that X-Men NEEDS to coexist with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The X-Men as a property already has so many of its own villains, allies, and tertiary characters, that interacting with other Marvel heroes is completely unnecessary.
Why can't they just work out a deal where at least you can mention the other characters? I mean seeing a Daily Bugle newspaper in an Avengers movie. It hurts neither studio and just throws a bone to the fans that support both studios.
Why can't they just work out a deal where at least you can mention the other characters? I mean seeing a Daily Bugle newspaper in an Avengers movie. It hurts neither studio and just throws a bone to the fans that support both studios.

I totally agree. How hard is it to just have a little fan service.
Probably not. And we don't need em to.

Sure its weird to have an MU without Reed Richards and Doctor Doom... But its worth it if we don't have to deal with mutants mucking up the MCU.
it's kind of a mixed bag at this point. Hugh jackman has reached the apex (for now) of his run on Wolverine. My guess is that if he's really done, it's going to take at least 5 years before the studio is comfortable revisiting the character. Really, they should let it sit for a good while longer, and exploit the other mutant characters' stories.
I can see where Mutants may muck up the marvel films. But, I am surprised Marvel and Sony cannot come up with a deal that would allow Spidey to appear in an Avengers or some other Marvel movie. In return for a Marvel character (Captain America for example) appearing in a Sony Spidey movie. It's a win-win for both studios.
Shuller Donner has already stated that she would like to see some of X-Men's characters in the MCU so i don't see the need for Fox selling any partial rights

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