Once all 5 basic X-Men films (first 3 'X-Men', 'Wolverine' & 'Magneto') emerge on DVD, they can be dumped into a computer and edited.The coolest part right here is that I will take all of the scenes and order them chronologically and then merge them smoothly and seamlessly together into one giant X-Men piece.
Now, my brothers, the purpose of this thread will be to gather ideas about which parts will stay, which parts will go, which parts will be altered & which parts will be reordered. This is your chance to voice your opinion on what the films should have looked like in true respect to the characters and to the art of film.
Plese feel free to use your imagination for the power of technology is able to include your propositions.This is an independent non-profit project I am doing for my own enjoyment. Once completed I will be able to demonstrate it to X-Men fans like yourself over the internet.
P.S I figured this idea would only fit into thge sequel category because it remotely resembles another version of the film(s)
good luck
and I will always be there...Old Friend
Now, my brothers, the purpose of this thread will be to gather ideas about which parts will stay, which parts will go, which parts will be altered & which parts will be reordered. This is your chance to voice your opinion on what the films should have looked like in true respect to the characters and to the art of film.
Plese feel free to use your imagination for the power of technology is able to include your propositions.This is an independent non-profit project I am doing for my own enjoyment. Once completed I will be able to demonstrate it to X-Men fans like yourself over the internet.
P.S I figured this idea would only fit into thge sequel category because it remotely resembles another version of the film(s)
good luck
and I will always be there...Old Friend