X-men on Myspace

:eek: Cool!

X-Men 3: The Last Stand has 42 friends!

Ohh neat, I want to be friends with X-Men too, lol. :up:

And I want my profile to look that cool, too.
If its not someone went to a whole lot of trouble.
Frome the X-Squad:

There are many places where you can sign up to create your own blog for free, but MySpace would be a good choice as there’ll be lots of X-Men activity there in the next couple of weeks!!
104 :(

Where it says Book Tickets
Aiden said:
104 :(

Where it says Book Tickets

Could be they're just going by what Cannes and so forth were told. I'll wait for Fox to confirm this still.
Aiden said:

I don't see 104 anywhere on the MySpace site. Are you talking about a different site?

Edit: Nevermind. I saw it. I was just curious because the Buy Tickets logo was a red x.

Hmm, I don't know anymore.
Nope, click on the book tickets part and you'll see it there
I'm not sure I buy this. And I really don't buy the 104 running time.

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