Hmmm maybe i can shed some light because i've heard a number of different rumours speculating around a Dazzler Movie...
1.Marvel wants to branch out in horror -- Where this fits in with this well, i've always figured the whole Mojo-saga could be spinned on a horror... Anyone see A.I.? that movie, that scene at the arena where they were torturing mutants... i found it parable to Mojo... But it would be difficult to explain unless you had the story focus on a character like Dazzler who ends up in that scenario...whilst shes on a mystery tour. Meets with Longshot and the pair have to escape a crazy freakish town and the guy they call Mojo... Throw in a few mutants like Gauntlet, Omega Red, non-mutants like Arcade... Could be interesting.
2. Marvel - in the x-men universe has thousands of characters that wouldnt necessarly fall in the x-men movie time line... However a spinn off or origin story where the focus is away from the central characters could explore more of the marvel universe giving you a better perspective of it.
3. Studio's are demanding a female superhero to take the center stage... Of late its been Iron-MAN, Hulk... etc all male driven characters. Now DC are getting nowhere with Wonder Woman and Catwoman was a flop and lets face it were not going to see a Bat Girl any time soon.... So what other options do we have, Well there isnt really any stand out female superheros in the marvel franchise mostly because there involved with either avengers, x-men blah blah blah, the best bet would be to do an x-men spin off, Rogue is a possibility but in what direction? they really cant make her look younger and at the moment she is still at the school. What about characters like Mystique or a Young Phoenix, again both those characters are most likely to appear in first class or magneto... So what is the options? Depending on direction and storys involved i dont see why characters like Dazzler, Domino, White Queen could take on there own movies...