Xbox 360 Elite

Armored Avenger

A Wizard is never late...
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
I recently purchased an Xbox 360 Elite, and was wondering just how better it is than the Premium 360 in terms of Technical problems. Should i live in fear of getting the 3 red lights?
from what i heard, the Elite promises no Red Lights, but than again, i don't think that is 100%, but it's reliable

And it has HDMI, you can't go wrong with that
I recently purchased an Xbox 360 Elite, and was wondering just how better it is than the Premium 360 in terms of Technical problems. Should i live in fear of getting the 3 red lights?

Actually I think the Elite promises the red lights as soon as you hit 100 hours of gameplay, the countdown is on!
Actually I think the Elite promises the red lights as soon as you hit 100 hours of gameplay, the countdown is on!

Oh Goody :dry:
Well, i should have expected something to go wrong, after all i was buying a 360.
Seeing as how I stand a even chance of getting a Xbox 360 elite, can someone go into details about the red light?
Oh Goody :dry:
Well, i should have expected something to go wrong, after all i was buying a 360.

He was being sarcastic.

You should be fine. Microsoft has gotten Circles of Death down to 10% or less, and I'm pretty sure the Elites are Circle free.
[QUOTE=Baadshah2;13413286]from what i heard, the Elite promises no Red Lights, but than again, i don't think that is 100%, but it's reliable

And it has HDMI, you can't go wrong with that[/QUOTE]

my cousin got the three red lights of death on his elite
Yeah, that's why head "I don't think that is 100%". :|

Hey, Evoulutionist does that 10% or less include Premiums?
Well, my Elite has been running fine so far. Hope it stays that way.
everybody knows that you have a lifetime warrenty for the 360 in the case of the Red Lights......... right?
I'm torn between XBox 360 and PS3 as to which one I will buy. The reason I'm torn is because they mostly share a lot of titles except for certain ones, but I was interested in PS3 for the blue-ray playability and graphics, even tho 360 has good graphics(and I'm really looking forward to Fable2)..but no blue-ray. Also does PS3 have online play, if so is it free like nintendo or do you have to pay like 360? So I wanted the opinions of you guys who have either system or maybe both as to why you think one has an edge over the other. I would appriciate the feedback in hopes that it might help me to weigh them and see which would fit me better. Thanks.

P.S. I would have asked this in another thread but I wasn't really sure which one would be best and I didn't see any threads similar to my I apologize if there was somewhere better suited for this question and would gladly ask it there.
PS3 has free online play, and it's much better structured than the Wii. It's not as good as 360's Live, but free is better than paying.

Blu-Ray is great, certainly an advantage (I'd say it's won the format war too.)

Ultimately, it boils down to what exclusive games appeal to you more.
PS3 has free online play, and it's much better structured than the Wii. It's not as good as 360's Live, but free is better than paying.

Blu-Ray is great, certainly an advantage (I'd say it's won the format war too.)

Ultimately, it boils down to what exclusive games appeal to you more.

FYI if your 360 (arcade, premium, or elite) was built on our after aug 07 your fine. if your 360 has a 175w power supply and says 175w on the console your pretty much guaranteed it will be RROD free.
You shouldn't live in fear of the red rings of death whether you still have a launch console or an Elite, the warranty is extended to 3 years. Just send it in, you get it back in week or so for free. Unless of course you can't stand the time apart from it. If thats the case, you should be worrying about bigger things than a game console's durability.
Ive had my console since launch, no red rings of death.
PS3 has free online play, and it's much better structured than the Wii. It's not as good as 360's Live, but free is better than paying.
Yeah, to eat s**t is better than to eat cheese cake, because it´s free.
Not comparing the PS3 with a s**t, but, that´s what you meant with the all "free is better than paying".
I don´t know how good the PSN is, but i do know that is not nearly as good as Live, and the payment is not all that.
Sure, the sound of word free is appealing, but $49.99 for 12 months is not much.
If you make the math, that´s $4.16 each month.

Blu-Ray is great, certainly an advantage (I'd say it's won the format war too.)
Yeah, that´s great and it´s the format winner, but, the 360 has HD movies in marketplace, sure is only renting, but still...

Ultimately, it boils down to what exclusive games appeal to you more.
I have to agree there, it all boils down to exclusives and which console do you prefer to play on (the last part, the difference is not all that).
I have the premium..out of no where sometimes I get the three red lights.Usually I turn it off for 10 minutes,and it works.A week ago it didn't work for about a weekbut now it is working perfectly.
Does anybody know when the Elite's are going to be shipping to major retailers again?
I got an Xbox 360 Elite from amazon dot com bundled with a bunch of other stuff.

My brother and I have totally played it way past 100 hours and we have had no red ring of death. Its a great machine, great visuals (especially if you have HDTV), and the games on the system are nice. The only down side I have to say is the D-pad which totally sucks. Playing old games like Street Fighter 2 is just horrible. On the plus side, playing side scrollers like Contra and Super C, Double Dragon, is freaking awesome.

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