1. God of War - I know some here brush this game off as a button masher, but the number of combos, magic, and grapples make for a truly fluid combat system, you can spam square, square, triangle if you want, but you're only screwing yourself over. The three part end battle, as well as the masterful yet simple story truly elevate this "godly" game.
2. Resident Evil 4 - I've played this game even more than God of War. Kratos's journey has averaged around 7 hrs, and Iv'e played it around eleven times. Leon on the other hand, clocks in 18hrs, and I've played that almost eleven times as well. I just love how you can switch up each campaign; you can go with just the knife, never talk to the merchant, never upgrade, or whatever you can think of. I almost beat the game with my personal brain fart, which is not using the knife at all. I used it a couple times when I only had shells and sniper bullets. And I almost beat the game with no upgrades, but I accidently saved after I maxed the damage on all my weapons, because was being a royal pain. And withought ever speaking to the merchant, I got as far as the fetish El Gigante, and I couldn't decide if I should save the rocket launcher for Salazar or not. The story and dialogue might be cheesy, but the action more than makes up for it. For RE5, they should really add more creepiness, a la the Regenerators and chainsaw psychos, to keep that old school RE feel.
3. God of War II - more of the same, but more polys, more weapons, more polish, more boss battles is unbelievable, considered the PS2 is so limited, AND you're only in Hades for a minute, which is nice. It just didn't click like the first for me though.
4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence - The game I'm currently playing. I'm on European Extreme, which I don't think is he hardest, I think I'll unlock another setting, but this game truly allows you infinite possibilities; you can go Rambo style, and silently kill everyone, you can just sneak aand knock everyone out, you can pull an Arnold and just blow everything up with the American machine gun, the possibilities are truly endless. Everytime I play this game I realize even more, how much of a masterpiece this game is. Oddly only on this, my third playthrough, was I disturbed by the Snake gets owned cutscene. I almost winced when Volgin kidney punched him. And this was the first time I didn't kill The End, I just exhausted his stamina. The Mosin Sagant trang rifle is NOT worth it, unless you really don't want to kill anyone.
5. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - First action RPG, just way too awesome for its time, and is still fun now.
6. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening- style
7. NBA Street 3 - style, and I love basketball.
8. Doom 3 - Creepy, tight, responsive, and the enemies were sweet, too.
9. Red Alert - First RTS, tank rush ftw!
10. Spider-Man(PS1) - Spidey's my favorite superhero, and this is the only Spider-Man game(imo) in the last three generations that actually catered to fans AND was good. The second one just kinda blowed. If Electro is your end boss, there is something wrong, he's no Doc Ock/Carnage hybrid, let me tell you. And the What If was genius.
And question(Havok83): if you don't kill anyone before the "boss battle" with The Sorrow, do you still have to walk the same distance? I gave up in European extreme, because I had passed The End's floating body, and The Sorrow attacked when he was two inches away, so I gave up. His suit isn't that great anyways.