Your Ultimate Fear


Mine is becoming wilted/tired/non-active. I want to live full-on until I die. In my eyes there is nothing worse than being put out to pasture, being dead whilst still alive.

Edit: The 'lol' was directed at Matt. :/

Why do you laugh? I'm serious :csad:
I love my dentist... I was just there yesterday.
I was laughing and talking when I didn't have all the stuff in my mouth :p

That stinks... but I still love the dentist.
My dentist is my best friend, I just don't like him when he's in work mode...
Right Now I'm stuck in a meaningless job trying to pay bills and stuck living where I don't want to be. I think I'm living your nightmare.

Same here. And now that I've gotten a taste of it, I can definitely say that it's a huge fear that the rest of my life would ever be like this. I hope not :csad:

This kinda ties into it, but I have a fear of always working to get where I want to be physically, emotionally, in all sorts of relationships (be it with family, friends, living in a nice place with my sig other), and career-wise, but never getting there.

I never really thought about it before, but now that I am, I realize that I've had numerous nightmares in the past that all involved looking for something and never finding it, or trying to get somewhere and never making it.
Having no place to go to the bathroom.....
I used to think it was squirrels but the other night I realized what my true fear is. It's twisting a baby's neck.

I can't hold newborns. I am deathly afraid of snapping their necks. I dreamed the other night that my cousin handed me a baby while I was sitting on the floor with my back to the couch and I went to position myself properly and accidentally squished the baby's head on the couch and twisting it.

It was horrible I couldn't sleep the rest of the night (and my wife says I have a low grade narcolepsy).
I'm scared of dying, so much so that it has affected my relationships with all the people I have ever associated with. The thought of dying makes life seem rather pointless, all the things, people and experiences in your life decaying with your brain. There is no reason to try to be remembered because your just going to die, what's the point of being remembered if you can't enjoy it. Basically I feel that everything, while seemingly important in the moment, is worthless because it will not last. I know there are those who think that that is what makes living important is that it won't last but I just see that as a thinly veiled reason to keep on going with their lives. Meh, whatever, I got books to read, movies to watch and music to listen to while I'm here, so it isn't all bad, I'm just in a bad mood.
My biggest fear right now is that I can't get the proper medical attention I need because of the lovely greed of the U.S. health care system.
Same here. And now that I've gotten a taste of it, I can definitely say that it's a huge fear that the rest of my life would ever be like this. I hope not :csad:

This kinda ties into it, but I have a fear of always working to get where I want to be physically, emotionally, in all sorts of relationships (be it with family, friends, living in a nice place with my sig other), and career-wise, but never getting there.

I never really thought about it before, but now that I am, I realize that I've had numerous nightmares in the past that all involved looking for something and never finding it, or trying to get somewhere and never making it.

You and I must be in the same boat.
OK my fear is going on a down escalator. :(.
I was Traumatized of them while a wee lad of 3 :(
Bamfer, when we filmed that, you promised it would stay in our private collection.

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