The Superhero Cinematic Civil War

find it funny people were sucking Iger's d*** when he came back to replace Chapek, and now he's the devil
Executives are never the entire cause of or solution to creative issues
Been saying the same.

Even before his strike comments, Disney had so many controversies and allegation of stuff like poor wages, supporting sweatshops, ignoring Lasseter allegations etc. during (and before) Iger's tenure that I never got why so many people were on his ****

On your "Executives are never the entire cause of or solution to creative issues" point: I wish more people understood this. I think with social media rising we all think we know how things are done because we read it in Variety/THR or some "insider" who's just looking for internet points says it on their account. I remember when back in like 2008 the only execs that were namedropped here were Avi Arad and Tom Rothman. Now I feel like I know every executive of every studios because posters are always up their ass. Not just here but other social media as well

The fact of the matter is we really don't know much about what's actually happening in Hollywood because we aren't there. But at the end of the day, they're all in the business of making money. They're not your friends and we shouldn't really worship them just because they help put out good products. And yes I'm including Feige in that

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Been saying the same.

Even before his strike comments, Disney had so many controversies and allegation of stuff like poor wages, supporting sweatshops, ignoring Lasseter allegations etc. during (and before) Iger's tenure that I never got why so many people were on his ****

On your "Executives are never the entire cause of or solution to creative issues" point: I wish more people understood this. I think with social media rising we all think we know how things are done because we read it in Variety/THR or some "insider" who's just looking for internet points says it on their account. I remember when back in like 2008 the only execs that were namedropped here were Avi Arad and Tom Rothman. Now I feel like I know every executive of every studios because posters are always up their ass. Not just here but other social media as well

The fact of the matter is we really don't know much about what's actually happening in Hollywood because we aren't there. But at the end of the day, they're all in the business of making money. They're not your friends and we shouldn't really worship them just because they help put out good products. And yes I'm including Feige in that


I don't agree.

In my opinion directors and CEO are like doctors, lawyers, teachers, cooks, tailors, pro athletes, cab drivers, etc.

Some are good at their jobs, some are bad, some are honest, some are not, etc.

We should respect and praise the good ones, and dismiss and critique the bad ones.

Iger as a decision maker was good at asset stripping and thus increasing profits in the short term. But he didn't enable anything of lasting value, and it's beginning to show.
I get the Frank Miller love from Snyder. Batman: Year One is what got me into comics.

Sure, Miller’s Batman comics were my favorite comic books for years back before he lost his mind. But I feel like Snyder would fundamentally miss the point of TDKR if he tried to fully adapt it, just based on how he partially adapted it in BvS. For example…

Miller’s Batman: (breaks a gun in half) This is the weapon of the enemy. We don’t use it. We don’t need it.

Snyder’s Batman: (uses machine guns on the Batmobile to blow up multiple cars full of criminals)
Been saying the same.

Even before his strike comments, Disney had so many controversies and allegation of stuff like poor wages, supporting sweatshops, ignoring Lasseter allegations etc. during (and before) Iger's tenure that I never got why so many people were on his ****

On your "Executives are never the entire cause of or solution to creative issues" point: I wish more people understood this. I think with social media rising we all think we know how things are done because we read it in Variety/THR or some "insider" who's just looking for internet points says it on their account. I remember when back in like 2008 the only execs that were namedropped here were Avi Arad and Tom Rothman. Now I feel like I know every executive of every studios because posters are always up their ass. Not just here but other social media as well

The fact of the matter is we really don't know much about what's actually happening in Hollywood because we aren't there. But at the end of the day, they're all in the business of making money. They're not your friends and we shouldn't really worship them just because they help put out good products. And yes I'm including Feige in that


I think what people also need to remmeber is that these studio suits are not creative people. Theyre business people. Studio execs do not know the first thing about making a story, creating characters or creative vision. Their job is to hire people that do know this stuff and then ask “will this thing youre doing make us money and convince us how.” So yeah nobody should be going around saying “if only Iger had been on set of The Marvels, he could have prevented this!” Iger probably knows as much about Marvel IP as his grandchildren tell him.

but i agree with Mcquarrie in thay tweet. I would not wanna deal with the problems and stress that people like Iger, Zaslav and co have to deal with on a daily basis lol
Sure, Miller’s Batman comics were my favorite comic books for years back before he lost his mind. But I feel like Snyder would fundamentally miss the point of TDKR if he tried to fully adapt it, just based on how he partially adapted it in BvS. For example…

Miller’s Batman: (breaks a gun in half) This is the weapon of the enemy. We don’t use it. We don’t need it.

Snyder’s Batman: (uses machine guns on the Batmobile to blow up multiple cars full of criminals)
Also based on how he adapted Watchmen.
Super hot potentially ban-worthy take: i really dont care for Miller’s TDKR graphic novel. HOWEVER, plot twist, i thought the two part animated movie from years ago was so so so much better than the source material.

Ban away.
Super hot potentially ban-worthy take: i really dont care for Miller’s TDKR graphic novel. HOWEVER, plot twist, i thought the two part animated movie from years ago was so so so much better than the source material.

Ban away.
Why would I ban you for your best and most spot-on post of 2023???
I don't agree.

In my opinion directors and CEO are like doctors, lawyers, teachers, cooks, tailors, pro athletes, cab drivers, etc.

Some are good at their jobs, some are bad, some are honest, some are not, etc.

We should respect and praise the good ones, and dismiss and critique the bad ones.

Iger as a decision maker was good at asset stripping and thus increasing profits in the short term. But he didn't enable anything of lasting value, and it's beginning to show.
I never said nor implied that we shouldn't critique studio execs (and I never mentioned directors at all) anywhere in my post. So idk what you're not agreeing with.

I'm saying we really don't know what's happening or what goes into being a studio exec because there are so few of them. Especially compared to some of the other professions.
So resenting them or being obsessed with them, like some are, is just weird to me.

But again I never said or implied that they are above criticism or praise.
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Super hot potentially ban-worthy take: i really dont care for Miller’s TDKR graphic novel. HOWEVER, plot twist, i thought the two part animated movie from years ago was so so so much better than the source material.

Ban away.
I 1000% agree. Although the first half of the story in general is so much better than the second imo. So I prefer the Pt 1 animated movie. But generally yes the adaptation was better than the comic.
Honestly was not a big fan of the art of the graphic novel. The movies adapts the art to make it better

And the score is really great. Way better than a score for a DTV has a right to be. "The Dark Knight Triumphant" is still my favorite Batman theme after Molossus

I miss the quality of the old DC DTVs
I think what people also need to remmeber is that these studio suits are not creative people. Theyre business people. Studio execs do not know the first thing about making a story, creating characters or creative vision. Their job is to hire people that do know this stuff and then ask “will this thing youre doing make us money and convince us how.” So yeah nobody should be going around saying “if only Iger had been on set of The Marvels, he could have prevented this!” Iger probably knows as much about Marvel IP as his grandchildren tell him.

but i agree with Mcquarrie in thay tweet. I would not wanna deal with the problems and stress that people like Iger, Zaslav and co have to deal with on a daily basis lol
It's not even that they're not creative. There are plenty of producers, studio execs, etc. that have shown to be creative. Jerry Bruckheimer, Don Simpson, Feige, etc.
But their main role if they work for these huge conglomerates is to make money and sometimes, a lot of the time, making money doesn't always being the most creative. That's not their fault. It's the way the world is.

It goes to what McQuarrie is saying and what I was also saying. Saying a blanket statement like "Studio execs do not know the first thing about making a story, creating characters or creative vision" is silly because a) that's not true b) execs are dealing with conflicting interests on what makes a movie "successful" like artistic vision, budgets, market research, etc.

EDIT: And so it's clear, this isn't me playing the world smallest violin for studio execs. I don't know them. I don't really care about them as people because I don't know them. I'm just saying the obsession people have with them nowadays is weird because really we don't know what execs are doing and clearly people have huge misconceptions about their roles. And the way studio exec talk has dominated the last few years of online movie discussions has taken away from just talking about the quality of movies
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Godzilla Minus One was 100x better than any American released blockbuster this year. By a very wide margin. For 15 mil, Toho made Hollywood look really bad. Better story. Better characters. IN A GODZILLA MOVIE! Better action sequences/spectacle. For nearly 290 mil less than what these big blockbusters cost now. Yall need to figure out your life, Hollywood.
I 1000% agree. Although the first half of the story in general is so much better than the second imo. So I prefer the Pt 1 animated movie. But generally yes the adaptation was better than the comic.
Honestly was not a big fan of the art of the graphic novel. The movies adapts the art to make it better

And the score is really great. Way better than a score for a DTV has a right to be. "The Dark Knight Triumphant" is still my favorite Batman theme after Molossus

I miss the quality of the old DC DTVs

Christopher Drake deserves to score a live action Batman movie like YESTERDAY.
To be clear, the CGI in Minus One isn't perfect. But it is still better than a lot we have seen this year in movies with at least 10x the budget.
Exactly this. The sequences also are filmed more competently and build tension so much more effectively. So often you just want Godzilla in these movies to smash people and monsters and you root for him and don't care much for whoever he smashes. Here, everytime he appears, it's terrifying and you don't want him to just destroy everything in his path! You care about the characters and what's going on in the story, and you feel the dread an event like Godzilla should be causing. It's so well done. It's not a stupid CGI army and a skybeam. It's real stakes!
Exactly this. The sequences also are filmed more competently and build tension so much more effectively. So often you just want Godzilla in these movies to smash people and monsters and you root for him and don't care much for whoever he smashes. Here, everytime he appears, it's terrifying and you don't want him to just destroy everything in his path! You care about the characters and what's going on in the story, and you feel the dread an event like Godzilla should be causing. It's so well done. It's not a stupid CGI army and a skybeam. It's real stakes!

I think the score is a key part of this. I listened to it when it came out. But, feeling it during the movie was a whole other experience. Which actually has one of my big complaints of the film.

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