1080P Upscaling?


Jul 17, 2004
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Sorry, but I dn't know where to put this question. Does the PS3 upscale regular DVD's to 1080p or 1080i??
Well he's not completely wrong. If you dont have a 1080p capable tv, like myself, then its 1080i
well of course. I have a DVD player that upconverts DVD to 1080i.................. what's the point of the DVD player, well it is 5-Disc Changer. Should I sell it?
well of course. I have a DVD player that upconverts DVD to 1080i.................. what's the point of the DVD player, well it is 5-Disc Changer. Should I sell it?
nah Id keep it. I dont think you'd get much for it. How big is your tv? The difference between 1080i and 1080p may not be noticeable depending on size
Well, most 1080p TVs start at like 42".

Sharp has a 1080p at 32" which is a tad silly I'd say but its a marketing thing as well
Sharp has a 1080p at 32" which is a tad silly I'd say but its a marketing thing as well
yeah at that size, the difference is pretty negligble and you'd have to have a bigger set to see the true effects of it
Do you have to download the system software update before the PS3 is even able to upscale DVDs?

My 40GB PS3 came with system software version 1.92 already on it & I haven't updated the software since I got it back in november of 2007. I don't have access to the internet via ethernet cable/high speed connection & downloading things over a dial-up connection takes forever to download. It would be easier if you could download the features that you wanted or would actually be using vs downloading everything that you may already have on the PS3 each time a new update is available. Does updating the PS3 erase game save data?
Upscaling was added with Update 1.8 so you should have it. If you didnt you could just download it from the official PS3 website, put it on a flash drive and install it that way

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