Where were you born? Canada, British Columbia.
Where do you currently live? Same place. Yay for change.
Age? 25
Height? 6'1
Haircolor? Brown-ish
Eye Color? Blue
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so what and where? (Pics a plus) Nah, but i've considered a tattoo.
Lefty or Righty? Right, but I was ambidextrous when I was a kid. My teacher was really old fashioned and forced me to use my right hand. I can still do some stuff just as well with my Left.
Do you have any siblings? One brother.
Post a picture of your handwriting: None available at the moment. IT'S LATE D:
What is your job? SousChef at a deli/market/cafe/thing
Do you have a car? What kind? (Pics a plus) Don't even have a license. (at 25...I KNOW.)
If you were a pro athlete, what would be your intro song?
What is your lucky number? 3.. it's also my unlucky number. Fancy that.
Any superstitions? IF I TOLD YOU IT'D BE BAD LUCK.
What kind of cell phone do you have? iphone 4.
What's your default ringtone? Game of thrones theme.
What is the last movie you saw in theatres? UH. uh...Horrible Bosses I think. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
What is your current avatar and why?: None. BECAUSE I POST SO MUCH.
How many posts do you have right now? under 300 but im getting
Congrats, you've been cast on MTV's the RealWorld! Which 6 Hype members would you pick to live in a house with you? Why?: Manic, Sawyer, Chaseter, Archangel, Squirrel...and not sure on the 6th. As for why, they're the ones I see the most when browing the misc tv section. (it's the main place I browse and post)
Who is your Hype drunken duet partner? Archangel
What will you sing? UHHH.... something lady gaga.
Have you ever met anyone from the Hype in real life? Archangel, because we live in the same city.
Have you ever posted commando? I'm a nevernude. DON'T TELL.
What brought you to the Hype? Probably the best forum i've ever been to for misc. tv discussion.
What keeps you here? Tv Discussion mostly. Although i'm still a superhero fan.
Link us to a thread you enjoy: LOST
You're going on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, which member of the Hype would be your Phone-A-Friend? Saywer
Which two Hype Members would you like to compete against in Jepoardy? Ghostvirus and Chickenscratch
Which two mods? Don't really know them well enough D:
Hype Crush? I don't post enough to have one.
Hype Nemesis? Same as above. D: THAT WILL CHANGE. ( day)
What is your favorite Smiley? Least favorite? (only because it's so over used.... DON'T HURT ME.)
Take the opportunity now to clear up one misconception about you. I'd be impressed if anyone here even knew me for there to be misconceptions about me.
What is your Hype Pet Peeve?:
What SHH event (that you not necessarily had to be a part in) has given you the most enjoyment? Don't think i've seen too many. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON.
Are you into astrology?: Every now and then i'll read my sign. I don't live my life by it.
Have you ever looked up at a star and wondered who else might be looking at it? Yeah,then he jumps out of the bushes screaming about sattelites.
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? I cry. and maybe my heart stops.
If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer? Yes, but on a hammer.
If a word in the dictionary were mispelled, how would we know? WE WOULDN'T. IT'S A CONSPIRACY. that and taxes.
Is there another word for synonym? Trick question, it goes well with nutmeg.
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? Only in Russia.
Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections? Ofcourse, can't allow the body to get an infection. It ruins the puppet show they hold afterwards.
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? I knew one, he
strictly ate clowns, he was a funny guy.
If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong? We're always wrong
, even when we're right.
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? many personalities are we talking here?
How young can you die of old age? In my situation...three years ago.
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back? it a frantic wave?
How many people does it take to change a searchlight bulb? Holy geez, I have no idea, aren't those HUGE?
Post 5 songs/singles you want us to listen. UHH. *goes to find youtube links*
Hmmm there's three for now.
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Neither, he's
Why do they put Braille on the drive-through bank machines? It's easier for the blind people to walk to, rather than going inside, although most of them get hit by cars.
What do batteries run on? The hopes and dreams of sick children.
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages? My boss used this joke last week. He's a friggen Chef. Class Act.
Do you have any infractions? If so, do you care to tell us how you got them? I don't post enough to have infractions
, and even if I didpost more, I'm usually pretty careful.
What is your least favorite word? To be honest...I don't think I have one.
What turns you on? Good Television.
What turns you off? Bad television.
What sound do you love? WHZZZZZWOOOPWOOOPWOOPI made it up, but I bet it'd sound really cool.
What sound do you hate? The generic alarm clock sound. Instant misery.Even when I'm awake.
What is your favorite curse word? I like to switch it up. (I also feel this is a devious set up.) *shifty eyes*
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Entertainment/Writing. Which I do as a hobby on
What profession would you not like to do? Doctor.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? How the ***Did You get past billy mays and the dogs?Oh well, Elvis is over there, also Cake.
Are there any questions? This is a very open ended question! This could take me years to answer.