1985 Mini-Series


Nov 2, 2007
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I'm not usually a big Millar fan but I have to admit this looks interesting. The basic premise is that it's our world in 1985 (naturally) and that all Marvel characters are just comic books. So somehow, the supervillains of the comics decide to invade our world. The book focuses on a kid named Toby who's really into comic books and may hold the key to saving the world.







The last panel on the second to last page with the red skull has to be one of the creepiest things i've ever seen.
I keep saying I'm not that big a fan of Millar, but I tend to pick up every book he writes: Ultimates, Ultimates 2, Fantastic Four, Kick-Ass, and eventually this and his Wolverine run.
Interesting (between this and Kick-Ass, Millar is really playing with the heroes-in-the-real-world thing, albeit in different ways).
I keep saying I'm not that big a fan of Millar, but I tend to pick up every book he writes: Ultimates, Ultimates 2, Fantastic Four, Kick-Ass, and eventually this and his Wolverine run.

obvious reason is that you're a poser. Do you even know why you're not a big fan of his?
idk I want to like it but I'm not really getting the plot? So the villains are real but the heroes aren't? I'll check it out
obvious reason is that you're a poser. Do you even know why you're not a big fan of his?

No, that's what I'm saying. I've never had the mindset of being a Millar fanboy and yet I seem to buy every one of his books.

Maybe it's because he keeps teaming up with artists I like: Hitch, McNiven, JRJR. I don't know who's drawing 1985 but, whoever it is, I like it.
i'm not a big fan of millar's mainstream stuff because he tends to misrepresent certain characters to fit his stories, especially in civil war with the new warriors, cap, and reed
Might trade wait this,I'm not going to fill Marvel's pockets by paying an extra dollar for a cardstock cover with 22 pages.
I remember when this was supposed to be made with actors using still photshopped photos.
i'm not a big fan of millar's mainstream stuff because he tends to misrepresent certain characters to fit his stories, especially in civil war with the new warriors, cap, and reed

His Cap is a badass and that's fine my be.Heck,anyone who stomps Bishop's face into solid concrete deserves awesome points.
Tommy Lee Edwards is also one hell of a talent.I really hope to see him on more Marvel projects in the future,his style is so yummy.
I remember when this was supposed to be made with actors using still photshopped photos.

Me too. That totally fell through though. Don't think I ever heard why.

Though I tend to avoid everything Millar does, these preview pages actually seemed pretty interesting. I might give this a shot. Though I'll probably just wait to buy the trade.
Me too. That totally fell through though. Don't think I ever heard why.

Though I tend to avoid everything Millar does, these preview pages actually seemed pretty interesting. I might give this a shot. Though I'll probably just wait to buy the trade.

probably because the production of the thing was just too dang expensive.
that looks great. like a modern fairy tale
Millar has said it's going to be Marvels Narnia...by which, I think he means big, epic, and fairy-tale-esque...not, you know, poorly written christian propaganda, which is what I think of when someone says Narnia...
that looks great! i wasn't that interested in 1985 until seeing that preview.
Yep, passing on this. Tommy Lee Edwards' art looks super-awesome, though.
I can't wait for this project. The real attraction is Edwards' art and the description of this being like a classic 80's adventure movie. :up:
Has anyone else noticed that with each one of these projects, Millar always states that it's his best work? Two weeks ago he was talking about how Kick-Ass was his best work, and now I'm reading that this is in fact his best work. :whatever:
I've learned to just tune out anything Millar says. It makes things a lot simpler.

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