3rd man?


Jan 31, 2008
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ok so i consider my self fairly versed in the ways of batman, been readin em for years. but now im confused.what the hell is goin on with this third man bit......im totaly lost
Only Grant Morrison knows for sure.
but what the hell is the third man and why does grant morrison insist on being such an a## hole?
You mean the three Batmen?

If I remember correctly, one of them was the cop that shot The Joker in the face in the first issue. The second one was some guy on Venom, and the one from the last issue hasn't been revealed yet, but my money is it's the physical embodiment of the evil in him that Batman exorcized from the Cult of the 10 Eyed Man in 52.

I don't think he's trying to be an ass-hole, though. From the sounds of it, delays and the Ressurection of Ra's al Ghul event made things switched around.
You mean the three Batmen?

If I remember correctly, one of them was the cop that shot The Joker in the face in the first issue. The second one was some guy on Venom, and the one from the last issue hasn't been revealed yet, but my money is it's the physical embodiment of the evil in him that Batman exorcized from the Cult of the 10 Eyed Man in 52.

I don't think he's trying to be an ass-hole, though. From the sounds of it, delays and the Ressurection of Ra's al Ghul event made things switched around.
aw!!!!! ok things just clicked!!!!! thanx
Yeah, the delays are the main problem. From what I understand, he was supposed to have the whole 3 Batmen thing wrapped up by issue #666...but didnt..and then we got an out of place issue that makes no sense...but it wasnt very good regardless, and neither is the rest of what he's doing, IMHO.

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