BvS 5 Things you see Necessary for a Good Sequel


Jun 25, 2013
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Want to name things you think would make the sequel better then the first?

For me

1. Introduce new characters. Im talking about more then just a new bad guy. We know Jimmy Olsen will likely be onboard, as well as Luthor. But I want to see Luthor get Mercy Graves as a sidekick. I'd also like there to be another female in the daily planet that gets a crush on Clark and tries to court him. I think that would create a nice subplot.

2. Clark Kent needs to be awkward or funny because hes a bad journalist, not because he trips over himself. Maybe he takes really bad photographs, or he simply doesnt know how to tell an interested female in the office no.

3. The film needs a more well defined middle section. Man of Steel felt like a rollercoaster, it went up and up and up building the story and plot and then it just raced down all the way to the conclusion. I want to enjoy the film more without a breakneck pace all the way through, so a meaty middle section where everything slows down with longer scenes of dialogue would be a welcome addition.

4. No comedy relief character. No one character should be funnier then the others.

5. Connect it to the Justice League. If they arent serious about giving Wonder Woman her own movie, then give her a healthy cameo in this film. Either her or the Flash, or someone who they arent planning on giving their own film. If there are no cameos, then connect it to the Justice League somehow, someway.
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4. No comedy relief character. No one character should be funnier then the others.

Want to name 5 things you think would make the sequel better then the first?

For me

1. Introduce new characters. Im talking about more then just a new bad guy. We know Jimmy Olsen will likely be onboard, as well as Luthor. But I want to see Luthor get Mercy Graves as a sidekick. I'd also like there to be another female in the daily planet that gets a crush on Clark and tries to court him. I think that would create a nice subplot.

2. Clark Kent needs to be awkward or funny because hes a bad journalist, not because he trips over himself. Maybe he takes really bad photographs, or he simply doesnt know how to tell an interested female in the office no.

3. The film needs a more well defined middle section. Man of Steel felt like a rollercoaster, it went up and up and up building the story and plot and then it just raced down all the way to the conclusion. I want to enjoy the film more without a breakneck pace all the way through, so a meaty middle section where everything slows down with longer scenes of dialogue would be a welcome addition.

4. No comedy relief character. No one character should be funnier then the others.

5. Connect it to the Justice League. If they arent serious about giving Wonder Woman her own movie, then give her a healthy cameo in this film. Either her or the Flash, or someone who they arent planning on giving their own film. If there are no cameos, then connect it to the Justice League somehow, someway.

If he was a bad journalist he'd get fired, he should be a damn good journalist.
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Yeah, making him bad at his job wouldn't make sense.
Daily planet job is temporary- Just like his other jobs. This one doesn't last very long. People he works with are going to quickly figure out he is superman. It won't make any sense that he keeps his job at Daily planet for more than a couple weeks.

He should just use his X-ray vision to find Gold and Diamonds at natural hot spots - then never having to work again. :oldrazz:
I have a few:

1. A new writer.

2. Superman saving people from disasters (the oil rig scene was so dissapointingly short)... not just stopping an alien invasion.

3. Clark Kent and Lois Lane doing investigative reporting.

4. Lois Lane being a defiant, stubborn, tenacious woman with a dry sense of humour for more than 2 or 3 lines of the film.

5. Superman having at least one powerful, well written conversation about justice. I'd say Lex is a good person to do that with, but TBH i'd be happy with him saying anything about it to anyone.

6. A sense of Metropolis as a setting.

Those would be a good start.
Daily planet job is temporary- Just like his other jobs. This one doesn't last very long. People he works with are going to quickly figure out he is superman. It won't make any sense that he keeps his job at Daily planet for more than a couple weeks.

He should just use his X-ray vision to find Gold and Diamonds at natural hot spots - then never having to work again. :oldrazz:

Are you been sarcastic?
show the people supporting superman! I want to see superman speak directly to the people some how.

Also I think it's good seeing how kids react to him. All through TDK triology they had kids that 'believed in him', and it's a nice touch to include to really easily show the hope and inspiration he's bringing to the world.
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If he was a bad journalist he'd get fired, he should be a damn good journalist.

OK good point, Im just looking for ways to add humor to the story without it being overly distracting, such as him bumping into everything or being a total dork.

Im going to request a mod to change the thread title to just "Things you see necessary for a good sequel" so we arent tied down to just 5 points

To satisfy all those who complained, acknowledge the damage done to the city, and perhaps have the villain be a product of the destruction. Maybe Metallo lost a limb or two in the carnage and Luthor rebuilt him with Krypton technology, so Metallo has a motive to kill Superman
We know Jimmy Olsen will likely be onboard, as well as Luthor.

I thought Jimmy Olsen got a sex change for this series and was now Jenny Olsen.

Anyway, here's my 7 things.

1.John Williams' Superman score. Just because "Returns" wasn't a runaway smash doesn't mean MOS can't have great music.

2.A director more suited to Superman with a proven track record.

3.Supergirl. This series needs her to liven things up.

4.A better writer more suited to Superman with a proven track record.

5.A producer more suited to Superman.

6.Awe inspiring camera work.

7.LESS flashbacks
Please don't bring back music from another series. Maybe in like a brief scene as a mythology gag, but that's it.

If a movie needs Supergirl to liven things up then... well, it needs a script rewrite.
OK good point, Im just looking for ways to add humor to the story without it being overly distracting, such as him bumping into everything or being a total dork.

Humour can come in dialogue ya know, and I think an important thing is not to poke fun at your main character.
1 no zack Snyder
2 undo the ending to man of steel
3 brainiac
4 tell more of the quirky, John Byrne stories about krypton to fill it out.
5. More sexy Cavill.
Undo the ending?

Oh, okay. Yes, let's start MOS 2 with Clark waking up on Zod's ship and realizing that everything in the last 40 minutes of MOS was a dream. That won't piss anyone off.
Undo the ending?

Oh, okay. Yes, let's start MOS 2 with Clark waking up on Zod's ship and realizing that everything in the last 40 minutes of MOS was a dream. That won't piss anyone off.

Yeah, I'm not sure what Silvermoth was actually thinking with that request. The ending basically establishes why Supe's will now have a "no killing" rule.

Superman is going to have to face up to the widespread destruction he and Zod caused in Metropolis. By the time the movie ended a large portion of the city was basically a smoking crater, and Clark is the nly person left to answer for that.
This is good though, because it provides the absolute perfect bandwagon to Luthor to base his anti-Superman platform on.
Speaking of which:

Lex Luthor

Nolan/Goyer superhero movies are very fond of allegory and analogy. This is perfect for a character like Lex who should be the in-movie embodiment of the anti-immigration right wing pundits that we see so often in the media these days. Although, charming and much, much more intelligent than anyone really knows.
Oh yeah. and his power armour. Let's make that happen. He could build it from Zod's (the way I see Luthor in this, there's no way he hadnt retrieved Zod's body and wasn't halfway through conducting an autopsy on him like the day after Superman killed him.)
The way I see it, MoS' Luthor doesnt have to run for president. He can pick up the phone and have the president run for him.


Okay, this is important. MOS collected together the best cast of the summer season... and then gave none of them much of anything to do.
Out of everyone, let's have Lois and Clark actually get to know each other. Do they date? If so, where? What do they do? How does Lois feel about his dual heritage/identities? Is that a problem for them? etc, etc.
A good way to do this is to:

Put some distance between movies

Pick up the second movie a year or two after MOS. Do this for a few reasons.
First, it'll do a lot of the heavy lifting in regards to setting up Superman as Metropolis' established legendary protector.
Second, it'll do a lot to redeeming the destruction he caused if the movie begins in a shining 'city of tomorrow' Metropolis that we're told early in Superman worked day and night to rebuild.
It'll also be a way around having to set the movie in the wasteland MOS left it in.

No Justice League tie-ins

Just... just don't.
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Undo the ending?

Oh, okay. Yes, let's start MOS 2 with Clark waking up on Zod's ship and realizing that everything in the last 40 minutes of MOS was a dream. That won't piss anyone off.

1.Have Superman as "the people's hero".Supe is the guy we look up to because he's what we aspire to be.We've already had two movies of him moping and looking for his "place" in the world.Enough melodrama.Embrace his optimism,and his belief in truth,justice and (gasp!) the American way.

2.Give him a strong duel identity.If they hope to do the Clark persona any justice,it's imperative that Cavill play him differently from Supe.Reeve did this well,and I expect no less from Cavill.I'm not saying he has to be fall-down klutzy,but he's got to be the guy no one suspects.Play that aspect up.

3.Introduce Jimmy.He should've been in MOS instead of Jenny.Take some time to develop the Planet's staff and comradery.

4.It kinda goes without saying,a little humor & a lighter touch would go far.

5.Have him actually called Superman,freely and openly.This sorta goes without saying,but one never knows.

I also would like the Williams theme (One can dream...).
Please don't bring back music from another series.

The Star Trek reboot played the TV theme at the end, the James Bond series used the same theme through 5 different actors, the Hawaii Five O reboot kept their iconic theme. When you have great music, you don't discard it.
The Star Trek reboot played the TV theme at the end, the James Bond series used the same theme through 5 different actors, the Hawaii Five O reboot kept their iconic theme. When you have great music, you don't discard it.

Right.You can also add The Incredible Hulk using the "Lonely Man" theme from the TV series.The Lone Ranger also is uniquely tied to the William Tell Overture.Can't have him without it.

Problem is,the Williams theme is too inspiring and optimistic for the tone of MOS.It'd stick out like a sore thumb.
Problem is,the Williams theme is too inspiring and optimistic for the tone of MOS.It'd stick out like a sore thumb.

It's pretty sad that a Superman movie has been made with a tone that is considered not inspiring or optimistic, but that's a whole other discussion. At the very least I feel the Williams theme would have fit during the flying practice scene. That COULD have been epic.

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