It's apparent that some of you just don't get the reality of the movie industry.
First, JUSTICE LEAGUE isn't being scrapped, they're just not going to use the existing script (according to rumors).
Second, that certainly doesn't mean WB has no idea what to do with a JUSTICE LEAGUE movie, or how to make a major motion picture.
Third, yeah, WORLD'S FINEST would be cool, but WB wants JUSTICE LEAGUE. They're not going to abandon it just because the first script/attempt didn't work out anymore than they abandoned the idea of making Batman movies when there were setbacks there and projects that didn't crystallize (including a World's Finest film).
Fourth, don't believe everything you hear just because you hear it. Several years ago, JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL was bashed repeatedly during its development, rumors had the script being terrible, the storyline awful, etc, when the reality is that the script was fairly good, the project had a lot of attention paid to it, and the movie didn't go forward due to budget concerns, which may well be what's happening with this script. Who knows? Let's wait and see.