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6 Predictions Relating To CBMs in 2016

They will begin the downfall of the CBM genre.

I think SS's reception will be like that of Batman Returns. I hope the movie does a fine job convincing the audience that the CMB genre can actually work with characters more complicated than the simple black-and white good-and-evil mentality.
Here are mine:

1. BvS will be the #1 film at the WW box office. I will love the film but still perhaps find some of the creative choices questionable. It will get me incredibly excited for Justice League.
2. Civil War will be my favorite film of the year. Ant-Man and Spidey will be serious crowd pleasers, with Scott getting two of the coolest moments in the film. (riding on Hawkeye's arrow and hopefully growing into Giant-Man)
3. Civil War won't be as well received critically as Winter Soldier (I hope this one isn't true)
4. Dr. Strange will get a RT rating somewhere in the mid to low 80s
5. I will probably really enjoy X-Men: Apocalypse, but it will leave the fan in me wanting more, as the X-men films always do. I really enjoy the X-movies as films, and they have great acting, but I just never feel that team dynamic that the X-men should have
6. Suicide Squad will be a fun movie, but not as well loved as Guardians of the Galaxy was.

Okay, before I start, let me just say these are my OPINIONS, they won't be popular, and if you disagree that's cool - just don't get personal or abusive about it. It is possible to say " I strongly disagree with you..." in a polite fashion, even while thinking I'm a moron.

So, I've got 7 predictions. Sorry to be the voice of doom and gloom, but I think this year will be a tough one for the superhero genre.
I think that genre fatigue will really start to set in - I mean, I grew up loving Superheroes and still do, but I can't be ****ing bothered going to see all the movies coming out, there's just too many too soon.

Now I don't agree with Spielberg that the superhero cbm is doomed, but I think that general audiences will become less interested as the studios kick out so many of the damn things (and going to the movies is ****ing expensive). No matter what the real fans, and that means everyone on this website, will go see these films, but what about the rest of the world ?

Michael Bay cranks out one really **** Transformers film every other year or so, gets absolutely panned on RT but makes a ****-ton of money at the box office. However, he isn't competing with a bunch of other giant robot movies, so he's just about got the sub-genre to himself, he's the only game in town.
As a genre, superhero movies are over-represented, they're saturating the market, and that usually leads to a decline in demand.


1. B v S does better with critics than Man of Steel, but still doesn't crack 85% on RT, maybe 82% tops. By getting in first (well, before CW and XMA at least and let's face it, the general audience for Deadpool is different than that for B v S) it manages to captilize on there not being a Superman or Batman film for several years (and interest in the first big screen appearance of the two heroes together plus Wonder Woman) and avoid the worst of superhero fatigue. It will make the most money, and sell the most toys. Will it have a tight nuanced plot, like CW will.....no, but who cares? You don't go to see a film called "Batman v Superman" because you really give a **** about an intricate or carefully crafted story.

2. Civil War doesn't live up to expectations, while it is raved about by fans the general audience find it about as engaging as Age of Ultron (which was a good film, but not quite as good as Avengers). Still a strong performance at the box office, but a few critics start asking tough questions of Cap, like how he can fight Iron man, who went toe to toe with Thor ? (meanwhile audiences ask where IS Thor....and while we're at it where's the Hulk ? Are we really that excited about seeing more of the Vision and Ant Man ?) Despite striking gold with Winter Soldier, will the writers/director be able to pull it off again in a film which looks to have a lot less intrigue than TWS ? I'm thinking....no. Particularly in a film that looks pretty crowded in terms of characters.

3. Suicide Squad is also a great looking, weird, but underwhelming film that doesn't live up to the hype - and Will Smith overdoes it (anyone noticed that his last few films have not done that well, he hasn't cracked 70% on RT since I am Legend, although at least he hasn't brought his son along for this film, whew !). Suddenly audiences also realise that with her clothes on Margot Robbie isn't that good an actress.
In terms of films about B and C list characters (which is what this really is)
Guardians of the Galaxy was pure off-beat gold for Marvel, but had a better cast overall.....and they were the good guys, rough around the edges yes, but SS is about a bunch of murdering psychopaths with too many tattoos and bad skin conditions, I can't see it having the same charm that made GOTG such a fun watch.
I love DC's dark, gritty feel, but I think SS will take it too far. I do think that Cara Delvingne will come out looking better than anyone else.

4. Deadpool ,although it will get in first will underperform, audiences will be turned off by Reynolds being too OTT, and negative word of mouth will mean that the film makes some money but doesn't catapult the character into the same league as Spider Man. Hard core Deadpool fans will love it, but general audiences will pass. At worst it will end up being a slightly quirky generic action film.

5. Superhero fatigue will really hurt Doctor Strange, which will underperform despite amazing performances by Cumberbatch, Swinton and Ejiofor, which leaves studio execs scratching their heads about the wisdom of cranking out ****-loads of superhero movies year after year. Critics, having now seen a ****-ton of origin films and will turn a bit nasty over minor points they ignored in cbm films that were made 5 or more years ago. Dr Strange's big problem is that its a redemption story about an arrogant genius who gets a second chance (hmmmm..... sound familiar anyone ) it's ground that's been well-traversed.
Also, Cumberbatch himself, while a delight to watch has been doing arrogant genius a bit too much over the past few years ( Into Darkness, Enigma, Sherlock) and is risking extra critical ire, regarding typecasting and being called " Sherlock Potter and the Evil origin story" or something like that.

The other big problem is the director- I mean, what has this guy done that wowed us.....nothing ! The Day the Earth Stood Still (the Keanu Reeves version).
I think Dr Strange would have had a chance if they'd put a really solid directo in charge....hell, put Guillermo Del Toro in there and you might have something, but Scott Derrickson ? Really ?

6. It will be comparison time for Affleck to Bale and Leto to Ledger. I suspect that Affleck will come off looking good (critics are fickle, and too many people bang on about Bale's bat-voice being bad). Some might even say he's the definitive Batman (again, so fickle) on the other hand Leto will get props for doing something stylisitically different, but won't hold up against Ledger).

7. X-Men Apocalypse will also suffer from superhero fatigue - too many superhero blockbusters in one year guys, and too close together. It follows close on the heels of Civil War, too close (CW will still be in cinemas). If people are having to choose which to see they will probably go with Cap and co, although Apocalypse will probably be more visually stunning - and has a better cast ( Fassbender, Macavoy and Lawrence, just for starters) than CW or B v S.

Everyone raves about Oscar Isaac, but does he have the chops to pull off such an iconic x-villain, possibly the best other than Magneto (who's also in the film, damn !) ? I mean, he was okay for all ten of the minutes he was in TFA, but can he do Apocalypse, a guy who's as old as the pyramids and has to feel like he was meant to rule the Earth ? hmmmm......

Anyway, XMA will end up being a well-received (because critics **** ing love Bryan Singer ) film but not be as successful as it could have been, due to external factors.

Okay, that's my set of predictions. I'm sure some of you out there are gnashing your teeth and burning me in effigy at this moment, but hey, if you disagree I respect your opinion.

Cheers. :)

How could anyone disagree with that? Completely convincing arguments. No need to apologize either, it takes commitment to bare your soul for all to see, which you certainly did. May I say that reading many of your posts, you are definitely one of the most insightful and credible posters on here. You clearly speak from your gut and there's a touch of a poet in you. So never, ever, let anyone call you a moron.
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How could anyone disagree with that? Completely convincing arguments. No need to apologize either, it takes commitment to bare your soul for all to see, which you certainly did. May I say that reading many of your posts, you are definitely one of the most insightful and credible posters on here. You clearly speak from your gut and there's a touch of a poet in you. So never, ever, let anyone call you a moron.

Thanks for that. That's very kind of you to say. :)

To be honest I'm not sure a lot of what I write makes sense, but if it sounds good that's something at least - and I do certainly go with my gut.

Anyway, thanks again. All the best for your own predictions for 2016 !
1. Deadpool will make a tidy profit, but will generally be a crap film.
2. BvS has a better reception than Man of Steel overall, but will still be plagued with obnoxious haters. It will do over a billion. Affleck will be memed about due to his foul mouth and badassery.
3. X-Men Apocalypse has an overall softer reaction than FC, TW and DOFP but still performs well.
4. Captain America: Civil War will be somewhat of a let down but make huge bank.
5. Suicide Squad will probably get a notorious reception as an overly dark film, but will make it's money.
6. Dr. Strange will probably have a better reception than Civil War.
1. Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad won't be critical winners just like Man of Steel.
2. Captain America: Civil War won't be as good as Captain America: The Winter Soldier and it won't outgross Dawn of Justice.
3. X-Men: Apocalypse will perform slightly less than X-Men: Days of Future Past due to the lack of the original cast which would be a big factor in upcoming X-Men films.
4. Deadpool's success would make Fox greenlight a sequel right away.
5. Doctor Strange would perform like Ant-Man but slightly less.
4. Deadpool ,although it will get in first will underperform, audiences will be turned off by Reynolds being too OTT, and negative word of mouth will mean that the film makes some money but doesn't catapult the character into the same league as Spider Man. Hard core Deadpool fans will love it, but general audiences will pass. At worst it will end up being a slightly quirky generic action film

Going by the reaction thus far it seems more likely Deadpool will have good word of mouth
They will begin the downfall of the CBM genre.

More likely it will be the biggest year in the history of the genre. Just look at everything that is coming out this year.
Going by the reaction thus far it seems more likely Deadpool will have good word of mouth

You may be right, although is that with fans of Deadpool or general audience type folks ? I'm sure the film will please fans, but a) how many Deadpool fans are there (enough to make it commercially successful) and b) can it appeal to folks who have never heard of the character ?

Action/comedy is a tough genre to succeed with, Spy did well because McCarthy and Statham played off each other perfectly. I've always thought that Reynolds' Deadpool would just be a version of Hannibal King (from Blade:Trinity) on steroids, but could that character carry an entire movie ?

If its done right, I think Deadpool could have massive appeal and catapult itself beyond a film for fans of the character - but will it be done right ?

The biggest problem, I suspect is Reynolds and the script - if he plays it quirky and has a good script to work with ( yeah, obviously it won't have a particularly complex plot) he'll have a lot of appeal, but if he goes too OTT, then people will just be put off .

Also, Miller is a first-time director. Does that suggest that the studio doesn't have enough confidence in the film to put anybody with real chops on it ? Interestingly Robert Rodriguez was associated with the project, and might have been the right guy to make DP work on screen.

Who knows really, I think it's a coin toss and will more likely than not land on tails ? Guess we won't have to wait too long to find out.

Cheers. :)
Thing to remember with Deadpool, is that it has a much, much smaller bar for success. It has a smaller budget than Kingsman, I believe. If it can do close to Kingsman numbers, then Fox will be really, really happy.
Thing to remember with Deadpool, is that it has a much, much smaller bar for success. It has a smaller budget than Kingsman, I believe. If it can do close to Kingsman numbers, then Fox will be really, really happy.

Yeah, but Kingsman had a brilliant cast ( Firth, Caine, Strong, Jackson for starters) and a very very good director ( Matthew Vaughn - the guy they originally wanted for DOFP after he nailed it with XMFC ). I mean Vaughn was so good, in Kingsman, that he made Colin Firth convincing as a badass - and after seeing him in Bridget Jones' diary, that's a big ask !

Also, Kingsman was based on a Mark Millar comic (the second collaboration between Millar and Vaughn -the other being Kick Ass, the first one anyway).

I'm not saying Deadpool couldn't be the pleasant surprise of the year, but with a rookie director (and Ryan Reynolds) I don't have much hope. I agree it has a low bar for success, but I suspect it will struggle to reach even that height.

I'm more excited that Gina Carano will be in it, kicking ass as usual. She's great.

Anyway, that's just my opinion and prediction. We'll see how it plays out in Feb.
1. Deadpool will make a tidy profit, but will generally be a crap film.
2. BvS has a better reception than Man of Steel overall, but will still be plagued with obnoxious haters. It will do over a billion. Affleck will be memed about due to his foul mouth and badassery.
3. X-Men Apocalypse has an overall softer reaction than FC, TW and DOFP but still performs well.
4. Captain America: Civil War will be somewhat of a let down but make huge bank.
5. Suicide Squad will probably get a notorious reception as an overly dark film, but will make it's money.
6. Dr. Strange will probably have a better reception than Civil War.

Agreed with all of these.
4. Deadpool's success would make Fox greenlight a sequel right away.

Pretty much.


- Spidey, Black Panther and Scarlett Witch steal the show in Civil War.

- Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman steal the show in Dawn of Justice.

- Quicksilver is once again the highlight of the X-Men film, which will feel like the largest-scale superhero film yet.
Given it's an election year and what we've seen and heard from Batfleck in clips and trailers, he'll be compared to Trump after the general audiences are finally aware and see the film. They are stupid and do this every time like Romney to TDKR and Bush to SW: Ep. III.

Sorry to make it political here, I do not mean to. But do to bad timing people always draw these lines even though the film was in production long before what was going on in current events.
- Quicksilver is once again the highlight of the X-Men film, which will feel like the largest-scale superhero film yet.

What makes you say this? Frankly I found that trailer to be slightly underwhelming.
Pretty much.


- Spidey, Black Panther and Scarlett Witch steal the show in Civil War.

- Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman steal the show in Dawn of Justice.

- Quicksilver is once again the highlight of the X-Men film, which will feel like the largest-scale superhero film yet.

With Civil war it seems people are more hyped for the characters cameoing or being introduced that the main characters. The third Spidey being the main draw for most of the social media hype.

You may be right, although is that with fans of Deadpool or general audience type folks ? I'm sure the film will please fans, but a) how many Deadpool fans are there (enough to make it commercially successful) and b) can it appeal to folks who have never heard of the character ?

Action/comedy is a tough genre to succeed with, Spy did well because McCarthy and Statham played off each other perfectly. I've always thought that Reynolds' Deadpool would just be a version of Hannibal King (from Blade:Trinity) on steroids, but could that character carry an entire movie ?

If its done right, I think Deadpool could have massive appeal and catapult itself beyond a film for fans of the character - but will it be done right ?

The biggest problem, I suspect is Reynolds and the script - if he plays it quirky and has a good script to work with ( yeah, obviously it won't have a particularly complex plot) he'll have a lot of appeal, but if he goes too OTT, then people will just be put off .

Also, Miller is a first-time director. Does that suggest that the studio doesn't have enough confidence in the film to put anybody with real chops on it ? Interestingly Robert Rodriguez was associated with the project, and might have been the right guy to make DP work on screen.

Who knows really, I think it's a coin toss and will more likely than not land on tails ? Guess we won't have to wait too long to find out.

Cheers. :)

All good points.

The director has a lot of passion. Hopefully that translates to a good movie. Reynolds appears to be in his element. His previous CBMs were IMO plagued by poor scripts and directors and generally the total ingredients but he did okay with what he was given

It's interesting you mention Hannibal King as I saw Reynolds comment on Instagram that he was first introduced to Deadpool when filming Trinity as someone on set said he'd be perfect for that character, that was what started him as Deadpool and THE man to play the character with fans.

The script is apparently a reworked version of the one from years ago and some posters here have said that was quality. Haven't read it myself

I think it's definitely more niche and fan-led than any other CBM this year. Will be interesting how that goes down with GA though in a recent interview the director commented on deadpools style and humour and it being about the character but trying not to go too far that it would alienate GA.

I think the rating will end up being a bad move for the movies financial state. Many kids are gonna wanna see it and though some will talk their parents into it I think the rating cutting out the kid Audience will be a big factor in the box office.

If the movie does well I think Fox would be wise to have the sequel with a more open rating to maximise audience numbers. They'll have delivered an R-rated movie for fans and with that itch scratched they can open it up for financial benefits.
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What makes you say this? Frankly I found that trailer to be slightly underwhelming.

I think it's mostly to do with how impressed I was with DOFP. The movie spanned two eras and the stakes were raised brilliantly towards the end. I agree that the trailer for Apoc didn't really showcase anything big, but I'm mostly speaking from my pre-conceived notion of how massive I think the film will be, considering they'll be facing their strongest adversary yet.

With Civil war it seems people are more hyped for the characters cameoing or being introduced that the main characters. The third Spidey being the main draw for most of the social media hype.

Certainly the case with me. Much more hyped for Spidey alone than the rest of the film.
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Civil War marks our 6th time seeing Iron Man, 5th time seeing Cap, 3rd time for Black Widow and Hawkeye, etc. I'm definitely more excited for Black Panther and Spider-man.
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Civil War marks our 6th time seeing Iron Man, 5th time seeing Cap, 3rd time for Black Widow and Hawkeye, etc. I'm definitely more excited for Black Panther and Spider-man.

5th time for Black Widow and 4th time for Hawkeye if you include his small role in Thor.
Prince of Wakanda>>>>>>>Everyone else. I predict that he will steal the show, big time.

I also predict Wonder Woman and Nightcrawler will be the breakout characters in their respective films.

Suicide Squad will obviously have multiple breakout characters.
5th time for Black Widow and 4th time for Hawkeye if you include his small role in Thor.

Civil War marks our 6th time seeing Iron Man, 5th time seeing Cap, 3rd time for Black Widow and Hawkeye, etc. I'm definitely more excited for Black Panther and Spider-man.

7 Iron Man - IM 1-3, TIH (Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW
6 Captain America - TFA, Avengers, TWS, T: DW (Cameo), AOU, CW
5 Black Widow - IM2, Avengers, CW, AOU, CW
4 Thor - T, Avengers, T: DW, AOU
4 Hulk - TIH, Avengers, IM3 (Cameo), AOU
4 Hawkeye - T(Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW
7 Iron Man - IM 1-3, TIH (Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW
6 Captain America - TFA, Avengers, TWS, T: DW (Cameo), AOU, CW
5 Black Widow - IM2, Avengers, CW, AOU, CW
4 Thor - T, Avengers, T: DW, AOU
4 Hulk - TIH, Avengers, IM3 (Cameo), AOU
4 Hawkeye - T(Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW

6 - Spider-Man 1-3, Amazing Spider-Man 1&2, Civil War.

Hulk is actually: HULK, TIH, Avengers, AOU (IM3 was only Bruce Banner)
6 - Spider-Man 1-3, Amazing Spider-Man 1&2, Civil War.

Hulk is actually: HULK, TIH, Avengers, AOU (IM3 was only Bruce Banner)

Well technically, it was Tony in TIH not necessarily Iron Man. I still included it.

And the Spider-Man in terms of the MCU is 1 with CW.
5th time for Black Widow and 4th time for Hawkeye if you include his small role in Thor.

7 Iron Man - IM 1-3, TIH (Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW
6 Captain America - TFA, Avengers, TWS, T: DW (Cameo), AOU, CW
5 Black Widow - IM2, Avengers, CW, AOU, CW
4 Thor - T, Avengers, T: DW, AOU
4 Hulk - TIH, Avengers, IM3 (Cameo), AOU
4 Hawkeye - T(Cameo), Avengers, AOU, CW

Either way the point is clear: the MCU is fleshed out enough to the point where half the fun of these next few movies is meeting all of these new characters. We've never seen Spider-man, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, etc. And given that the Avengers are nearing the end of their run its more important than ever to make us like these new additions to the universe.

6 - Spider-Man 1-3, Amazing Spider-Man 1&2, Civil War.

Hulk is actually: HULK, TIH, Avengers, AOU (IM3 was only Bruce Banner)

I'd point out how clearly ridiculous it is to include any movies that aren't the MCU, but I know it'd fall on deaf ears.
1. 2016 will either make or start to break the general movie audience's care for CBM.
2. Wonder Woman, Deadshot and Harley Quinn t-shirts and merch everywhere.
3. There will be far too many Deadpools come comic conventions in 2016. Moreso than usual.
4. X-Men: Apocalypse will not live up to expectations.
5. Gambit might turn out better than most people think, despite lack of info, thanks to Tatum's role shining a good bit in The Hateful Eight.
6. There will be no middle ground for BvS: Dawn of Justice, just like The Force Awakens. It'll be loved or hated, no OKs from the crowd.

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